Pip pip the diddly doo

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"ahh" Kakashi sighed sitting down after a long day 

*ding dong*

"Uuuuugggggghhhhhhh" Kakashi groaned getting up

kakashi checks the eyehole to see 3 anbu agents

"yes," Kakashi said as he opened the door 

"The Hokage requests your presence," the middle anbu said

0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 

"Naruto I swear to fu-" Kakashi started before seeing the kids in the room

"do you have a good reason why I'm here at 9:00 at night," Kakashi asked grumpily while still looking at the girl with white hair

"H-h-hello," The Akemi said not realizing how nervous she had been until now

"sup" Kakashi says to the girl 

"Who is she" Kakashi leans in and whispers

"Kakashi I have a question" Naruto whispered

"Yess????" Kakashi asked confused

"have you ever pip piped the diddly doo" Naruto asked


"You know the bow wow machow" Naruto suggested

"Naruto what the hell are you saying" Kakashi exclaimed "hurry up I'm tired"

"Have you had sex!" Naruto yelled

Akemi blushes

"Of course I have I'm a grown man" Kakashi explained

"Well you have some explaining to do," Naruto says pointing to the girl

"Hey didn't you have a story on wattpad," my friend asked

"Yea what about it" I respond 

"when was the last time you updated," He said scrolling through my profile

"oh shi-" I said getting up to my computer

I wasn't updating because tomorrow I'm going to Dubai and then Uganda for a month so I was packing and i was like might as well update before I leave cause I won't be able to update for a month

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