Out of The Woods

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The first thing Mon-El registered or rather not registered was the absence of sounds. Of any kind. Not even air seemed to be moving. The eerie quiet was only perturbed by his uneven exhales which sounded much louder than usual.

He was standing in the middle of apparently nowhere in a gloomy woods in his red suit.

As a habit, after years of operating in field, Mon-El automatically started studying his surroundings in vigilance. Not much to see unfortunately. Tangled tree branches, pale mist obscuring the sight and no sign of a living soul around. As much as he wanted to call Kara's name out loud in hopes of her answering back, his gut feeling told him that would be a bad idea. And he trusted what his senses told him, they had helped him survive through all these years after all.

Therefore Mon-El opted to search for clues nearby.

Since Alex had told him a little about Kara having no powers in this place, he checked his own powers and found the same result. This place bit.

Mon-El noticed some broken branches to his left and decided to inspect them more closely. With the help of his new weapon which was a sharp ended stick – which he had found lying on the ground and suspected that it must have belonged to Alex – he moved away the pieces only to find two sets of foot prints. At last a lead.

With great difficulty due to the lack of any light source, he followed them. His progress was hopelessly slower than what he liked, but it was the only way and he tried his best to stay calm despite his frantically beating heart and the buzzing voice in his head that kept reminding him how limited his time was and how worried he was for Kara in this damned place, depowered and maybe even hurt.

A whooshing sound broke into his concentration and Mon-El whipped his head around to see what had made the noise.

He didn't see a thing at first. The next whooshing sound threw him off and sent him rolling down the cold ground and he came to full stop by crashed into some thick roots. That hurt.

"Kara Zor-El belongs to the darkness..."

It was a Kryptonian demon, floating over and hissing at him with bare dirty teeth.

"Ta nahn zhed?" Where is she?

Mon-El demanded hotly in Kryptonese as he jumped to his feet and held his stick threateningly at that dark spirit like a sword.

No answer.

"What did you do to her? I swear to Rao if you have touched her I will -"

Mon-El jumped forward dauntlessly and poked at the demonic entity. It went through without harming, ensuing a hideous laughter.

"You will never find her!"

It flew away, the echoes of mockery laughs lingered disturbingly long after its departure.

Mon-El gritted his teeth and went back to find the foot prints like he had been doing, hoping no interruptions would bother him anymore.

After what seemed like forever, he found a metallic door. Almost smashed into it with his head since the dark element absorbed all light and had little to no visibility. Mon-El massaged his forehead while muttering his favorite Daxamite curse word under his breath and then recognized the huge figure engraved bluntly on the surface.

There it was, the symbol of the World Killers.

Without hesitation, knowing well what laid ahead bore no goodness, he put all his weight on the door and it creaked nastily as it turned on its rusty hinges.

The gate slammed shut behind him loudly, leaving him feel trapped.

There were no more tracks here, the mist had covered everything. The only sound was the random whooshing and fluttering of shredded fabrics of Kryptonian demons.

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