Chapter Ten: Ticking Time

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"Master what are we going to do, we can't let them die," Skywalker said, still standing where the hologram was.

"We also can not give him the location of the bases," Windu said logically, tapping the hilt of his lightsaber. The young jedi looked over at his elder before tapping on his wrist comm, Windu turned to look back at him.

"What are you doing," Windu asked.

"The Duchess will give me the secret Mandalorian hyperspace lanes, and you, Master Jedi, will provide me with the secret bases that the Republic has set up," the man's voice played through the comm's speaker, repeating itself twice before the jedi stopped it.

"I'm going to run the recording over a data analyzer, maybe it can pick up who this man is," Anakin said walking towards the door, glancing back. "Master, I feel that you do not wish to pursue this man."

He nodded, "that is true."

"Master they could be being tortured right now, barely hanging onto their own lives as we sit and debate if giving up locations to bases we can easily relocate is worth the lives of a ruler and a jedi," Anakin stated urgently, knowing that the welfare of the duchess and kenobi lies in their hands.

"Skywalker, do not let your personal feelings interfere with the issue at hand," Windu tried.

"With all due respect Master, my personal feelings are that the lives of Obi Wan and the duchess are in dire need of our help,"silence followed the young jedi's strained voice. Anakin stood still, looking directly into the eyes of Windu, both of them feeling Kenobi's unconscious distress.

"I agree," Windu paused looking out over the city, observing the beginning sunset. "Anakin, take a small group of troops and go to Toola. Take the fastest ship we've got, you're going to need the extra speed and fuel cells."

"And what about you, Master," Anakin asked.

"I'm going to try to buy you some time and analyze that recording," Windu held out his hand, Anakin tossed his comm.

"Get that transmission tracked and send me the precise coordinates," Skywalker said pulling out a holocomm from his pocket, it began to search a frequency.

"Yes general," Rex answered from the other end.

"Get five of your best men ready to leave, we have to go save Obi Wan again," Anakin said, walking towards the door.

"Yes, sir," Rex said, closing the frequency.

"Let's hope we can beat whatever timer that man has set for us," Anakin said as he waited for the door to open up. He looked back at Windu and gave a playful smile, "and it had to be Toola, didn't it."

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