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(I would like to use italics but for some reason I cannot so just imagine please)

"Are you ready?" A feminine voice asked. The two NightWings sat behind a desk, staring at each other. There was a smaller NightWing at the door sitting idly beside a long dull string. Lying on a hammock attached to the ceiling was a SkyWing resting calm fully. "Yeah" the other NightWing behind the desk nodded. They both looked away and the females amber eyes fell on the NightWing at the door. "Open the doors, Darkflier" she said while the other dragon felt the two bags in that hung on small hooks on the desk. On the desk was also a large pile of thick black cloths. The smaller NightWing nodded and grabbed the string and forcefully pulled it down. The two doors opened wide to reveal large herds of dragons from each tribe. The smaller NightWing got to his feet as they arrived, opening his wings he bolted upwards into a hole through the ceiling that closed up after he left. It opened again as two SeaWings flew down to the entrance and sat down. They had spears clutched in their long talons and their battle scarred faces showed that they meant business. The herds of dragons landed silently and the two SeaWings bowed down, their spears directed at the floor. Seven large dragons stepped forward, the leaders. They walked over the spears and into the building, stopping a few feet away from the desk. The two NightWings bowed to the seven queens that stood before them. "Strongfighter, Masterhunter" the queens greeted them, getting comfy. "Queen Thorn" the two NightWings greeted the large SandWing. The SandWing nodded her head, brandishing her barbed tail. "Queen Moorhen" they turned to the large MudWing. She nodded as well, flexing her long white talons. "Queen Coral" they turned to the SeaWing queen who presented her fancy pearls. "Queen Dazzling" they turned to the beautiful RainWing. She nodded too, hat day her scales were a beautiful dark purple with some white specks like the NightWings and lighter purple edges. "Queen Scarlet" they turned to the large red SkyWing who gave a silent laugh. "Queen Glacier" they turned to the large IceWing. She nodded slightly, whiter icy blue face was as straight as stone. "And, your majesty" some queens faces turned a bit mad as they addressed their queen as 'your majesty'. The NightWing queen was smaller than the other six but they saw her as just as great if not more. The queens then flicked their tails, backing into the walls. They sat down like statues, cold eyes following ever dragon as one dragon from each tribe entered the building. "Hello" the two NightWings greeted each tribe member. The SandWing was the first to place her egg on the desk. Next was the MudWing who placed a brown egg beside the SandWings, the colour signifying it was not going to have fireproof scales. Next was the SeaWing, who placed a young dragonet next to the eggs. The one beside the cloths, Masterhunter, grabbed the cloth on the top. Turning toward the confused dragonet, he wrapped the cloth gently yet firmly around the dragonets head so it's eyes were covered. Then it was the RainWing, who placed a dazzling colourful egg next to the young SeaWing. Next was the SkyWing, the IceWing, and the NightWing each placed young dragonets down beside each other. Masterhunter covered their eyes with cloths as well as the mothers left. The routine repeated until every mother had left their children at the desk. The queens got to their feet and gave a cold nod at the two NightWings then walked away. The NightWings watched as they collected their tribes and flew in different directions. As they disappeared, the SkyWing left his hammock. Shaking his body, he yawned and stretched. Masterhunter carefully placed the young Dragonets into one bag, waiting until they were comfortable. Strongflier was placing the eggs gently into the other bag which were wrapped in metal armour for protection. They then tied the bags up so nothing would fall out. The handsome SkyWing grabbed the two bags and flew like lightning to the ceiling. The hole reopened as he flew inside. The two SeaWings pushed the doors shut and locked them with their spears before following the SkyWing through the hole. The NightWings followed after making sure the doors were locked and no one was inside. The hole reopened as they flew inside and landed on the floor of the second floor. The hole closed behind them. The room up top was like a staff lounge. Few dragons were chilling there. A large very detailed map of Pyrrhia was covering the front wall, the rest of the room had neat tables where dragons were sitting and chatting while eating prey. Shelves hosted many scrolls and some common treasure for decoration along with some other decorative things. There were also some beds in which dragons were either sleeping or reading scrolls. The SkyWing dropped the bags on the soft and fluffy rug. "Alright, let's go" he said, scratching his left wing. The other dragons nodded, getting off their feet. One of the scarred SeaWings opened a large window with his spear, pulling it open wide. The smell of the ocean drifted through the window along with all the sounds. The dragons began cleaning and organizing the place, straightening scrolls, sweeping the floor, and more. Once it was clean, they got into a sort of formation. The two NightWings were at the front, behind them was the SkyWing, then the IceWings, then the SandWings, then the RainWings, more SkyWings, then more NightWings, then the armed SeaWings at the back. In unison, they all shot open their wings and got into a preparation position. Then they all took off, tails smacking against the floor. They spiralled out the window, which the SeaWings closed and locked with their spears. The group of dragons flew as fast as they could towards the hidden island. For boots, they would spiral then dive down. After flying near the ocean for a while they'd shoot back up into the air and continue. After a very long time they flew down to a small island. Landing, they plopped down and took a quick nap. The grass below was soft and comfortable, creating a nice bed. They had placed the eggs and dragonets in a safe hole at the centre of the island to protect them while they slept.

They awoke not long after. The SkyWing grabbed the eggs and dragonets as they flew off once more in their formation doing the exact same routine. After a while they came upon a large island that had buildings and dragons on it. There was a large tall building in the centre, large groups of dragons circling around it. The group landed at on top of the building. They landed carefully, folding their wings. Two dragons landed in front of them, one a SkyWing the other a SeaWing. "Did you return the others?" Asked Strongflier firmly. "Yes" said the SeaWing as they both nodded. Strongflier nodes back as the handsome SkyWing handed them the eggs and dragonets. The SeaWing took the eggs while the SkyWing took the dragonets. The two descended downstairs along with the group which departed into different rooms once they were downstairs.

"So then I flew downwards and then spiralled upwards then stabbed him in the stomach" said the SeaWing, motioning stabbing a dragon in the stomach with a spear. "Oooh" said the female SandWing, impressed. The hatchery in the building was two levels below the roof. It was a large room, with two beds for the two caretakers to sleep in. There were decorative drawings and objects on the walls and shelves. There were also seven large nests where they kept every type of egg. There was some cool air coming through the window above a shelf filled with decorative scrolls and object. The eggs were also wrapped the warm blankets to give them a balance of hot and cold. Suddenly, the eggs slowly one by one began to rattle. Surprised, the two caretakers grabbed a large scroll beside their beds. They watched the first MudWing help the other hatch and then all the others. Carefully, the grabbed one dragonet from each nest that hatched. Carefully, the SeaWing and SandWing inspected the large baby MudWing. "Frigor" the SandWing read off the large scroll. "Alright, Frigor it is" he nodded, grabbing the baby he placed in a small compartment, he then closed the door where the compartment then went gently down where it would be delivered to the dragonet play palace. But before the baby went down they placed the cut out name 'Frigor' at its feet. He then inspected the RainWing.
"Aquila" the SandWing read off the scroll
"Aquila it is"

A few months later...

"Aquila, quit playing with your venom!" Scolded one of the dragonet caretakers. The small decorative plant melted a bit, three leaves turned black and disintegrating into the dirt. She stared at it, watching it die. "Zenith! No!" Yelled the caretaker again as the small SkyWing plummeted into Aquila. Her scales flashed with shock then gold and pink with excitement and happiness. The small SkyWing opened his mouth and breathed a weak amount of fire on her. Her scales turned white with pain, then red with anger. She shot black venom at the small SkyWings neck as he shot another blast a fire at her face. The other dragonets watched with fear and curiosity as the caretaker yanked the crying SkyWing off the other crying RainWing. Staring at each other they both used all their energy to shoot one more shot at each other. As a stronger blast of fire spread across her small body her scales turned purely white with pain, and the SkyWing cried more. Weakly, she looked at a SeaWing dragonet that was speaking urgently to the caretaker. She was preparing to shoot venom at him with the small amount of energy she had left when someone picked her up and rushed her out with the SkyWing.

Fuzzy light filtered into her vision, revealing walls around her. She groaned, rolling over on her bed. The healers den had calming colours, with more useful stuff than decorative. The small SeaWing rushed over with a pale of freezing cold water. He poured it on her face, which felt amazing against the burns. She gave a happy sigh as the water seeped through her scales and cooled her burns. She stares into his eyes, her white scales changed to pink with a tinge of crimson. Then, she remembered him being a teachers pet. Her scales went red with hatred and she prepared at shot of venom. She shot it at him, strong black acid going to attack. He held up the pale but it melted between his talons and dropped some droplets on his small legs. He winced, walking backwards and holding his arm. Suddenly, someone shot another ball of venom at the young dragons leg. It cancelled out immediately, which she found frustratingly odd. She growled and rolled over, pressing her face against the cold stone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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