but soon you payed my debt.

80 8 3

Kostya was losing his mind waiting to go into the conference,this could literally make or break everything he's worked for,he could lose everything,this was his life,music meant everything to him,he couldn't let it all go,he had to do this,he had to fix all of this.

'Kostya, seriously calm down you can't focus when you're like this you need to try and chill, if not you'll say something that will only make it worse 'you Mélovin days trying to be positive but also feeling a little worried about all this.

'im going for a cigarette' he shouts to his manager who nods to him 'dont take forever Kostya' she responds turning back to talk to the team.

Kostya hurries down the stairs to the bottom floor and sits outside the building.

He hadn't had a cigarette in a long time but now he needed it if he was going to get through this interview without blurting something out again.

His hands shaking as he pulls out the cigarette packet and his lighter and shakily lighting it.

He places it between his lips inhaling the sweet sickily nicotine,he hated smoking he really did,he was trying to stop,he really was but he couldn't manage today.

'Mel what if this is the end? If me blurting out yesterday is the final straw?' He asks his breathing returning to a calmer state.

'Kostya it won't be the end I promise you,you can do this,everyone was pretty drunk last night anyway,I doubt people remember,that video could easily just be taken out of context' Mel reasons carefully making sure not to hit a nerve.

'i hope you're right Mel,god if I hadn't have been so stupid and pushed you away we wouldn't be in this mess,it's all my fault Mel and i-' Mel cuts him off.

'sometimes we refuse help when we need it most,but if you don't let people in then they can't help you,you are strong Kostya,you can do this,I'll be here by your side,you can fix this'll Be encourages as Kostya throws his still lit cigarette on the ground and crushing it with his shoe.

He straightens his kiss hoodie and sprays himself with perfume to mask the smell of tobacco.

Here goes nothing.

The interview went suprisingly well,up until they asked him that damned question.

'So Mélovin from what I heard you enjoyed yourself last night a little too much,you said you had voices in your head,is that true? Are you ill?' the crowd member asks.

'we were all very drunk and many things you don't intend to happen do occur,I was very intoxicated,I don't have voices in my head,rather a conscious,everyone has that,basically the devil on your shoulder,which is perfectly normal to have, I am not I'll nor am I stupid or crazy,I am just Mélovin,a singer and musician with a passion for perfume' He says finishing leaving the whole room speechless.

Suddenly the room erupts with clapping and cheers.

Kostya didn't lie,he just twisted the truth.

Sometimes the twisted truth is better than the honest truth.

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