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July 1, 2010, the day it all began.

All of the guards were at their respective homes, groaning, dreading the fact that they have to wake up and work at the hellhole they called work. Of the five, Mike Schmidt, the third oldest at 19, was the first to wake up at the "early" time of seven o'clock. To some who worked, seven wouldn't be considered early. But Mike was both out of high school and lazy, so seven was definitely early. The silver alarm clock went off on his nightstand as Mike laid in bed, eyes staring at the ceiling above him and many thoughts running through his mind.
Why do I have to wake up this early?
Why am I here?
Why are any of us here?
God, I hate Boss.
"Alright, time to get up..." Mike sighed to himself. After a glance at his clock, he turned off his alarm and closed his eyes. "In five more minutes."

Five minutes turned into thirty, and while Mike was just getting up, Scott was carpooling with Vincent. Scott was 21, and Vincent was 20, making them the oldest of their friend group. Vincent was the son of William Afton, the business mind behind the creation of Freddy Fazbear's, and Scott was the nephew of Henry White, the business partner of William who built and designed the robots that were the faces of each pizzeria. Scott was driving, eyelids still blinking the fatigue out of his system, envious of his closest friend who got to take a nap on the ride. Once the raven-haired pizzeria worker got to a red light, he took a sip out of his red thermos, slightly sighing in delight at the taste of his coffee, sweetened with creamer to Scott's liking. But one thing he didn't like was the steam that fogged his glasses lenses. He slightly snickered.
"Of course," he mumbled, taking his glasses off and continuing to drive until he got to the restaurant. He and Vincent were the first ones there, as Scott's car was the only one in the parking lot, which was tidier than the entire establishment as a whole. Scott pulled into the spot their boss would usually use (if he ever came to work) and proceeded to poke Vincent in the ribs.
"We're here, lazy ass." Vincent smirked as he woke up.
"No calling me 'Sleeping Beauty' this time, Scotty?~ That sucks." The purple male ran his hand through his hair and undid his seatbelt. Scott did the same, opening his door as he grabbed his thermos.
"That was one time. Stop holding it over my head." The two snickered as they trudged through the parking lot, gravel crunching under their shoes.
"Do you have your keys?" Vincent asked. Scott nodded and reached into his empty pocket.
"...I-I...What?" Vincent stuck his tongue out in a playful manor and unlocked the front door. He loved making Scott squirm like that. It was funny to him.
"Need a change of pants?" Scott stepped into the restaurant, listening to the bell jingle for a second time as Fritz, followed by Jeremy, walked in. Fritz was fresh out of high school at 18, and Jeremy was still in high school, at 17. At one point, all five of these guys crossed paths, all applying to Freddy's the year before. Once one got the job, as they were walking out, they saw the other waking in. It's strange how the world works, but they were glad it worked that way.

After Mike came in an hour late, the work day begun. Fritz was in the kitchen with his trainer, working on pizzas for hungry customers. There were plenty of nice workers at Freddy's, despite the terrible business practices. There was Chris, the busboy who was a few months older than Jeremy, he was cleaning tables with various punk rock songs playing in his ears. There was Poppy, the greeter who showed people to their tables. Rachel was usually in charge of party entertainment with her sister Lily, who was the "ruler" of the arcade area. There were plenty more workers at Freddy's that kept the establishment running smoothly, but sometimes there were kids who refused to listen. Vincent and Mike were in charge of keeping kids away from the Show Stage where Freddy and his crew were preforming. Vincent kept his eyes on Freddy and his band on the stage, as Mike kept watch on Pirate's Cove, where Foxy the Pirate Fox resided. Foxy was telling his rerun pirate tales for the kids while they watched in awe at the seven-foot-tall behemoth. Mike flinched. Foxy's loose jaw came close to foreheads a couple of times. As a victim of being bitten by an animatronic, Mike didn't take those signs lightly.
"M-Mike. Can you c-come here? I need help w-with something." Jeremy asked of his higher up. Mike saw the innocence in Jeremy's shiny green eyes and felt compelled to help. There was just something about Jeremy that Mike couldn't say no to.
"Yeah. Vince, watch Pirate's Cove, will 'ya?" Vincent nodded.
"Yessir." The purple man lowered his eyes at the children who were gathered around Foxy's attraction. Mike made a mistake letting a person like Vincent in charge of children. He got his murderous, evil tendencies from his father. It was like him to watch someone suffer for his amusement, and that was exactly what he was going to do. One more sad child to add to the others. Vincent knows the names of the children he killed and how they died. There were more than five, and they were all imprinted into his memory, for better or worse.
"Hey, Vincent!" Lily bounced over, her pink-dyed hair bouncing behind her. "You busy?"
"Y-Yeah kinda. What's up?"
"Nothing. A couple of teens were asking about you. They handed me their numbers." Lily pointed over to a pair of twins who waved back with suggestive smiles on their faces. Vincent smirked back and crumbled the paper in front of their faces, relishing in their dejected faces.
"I'm gay, but thanks though." Vincent winked, just in time for the show. A small kid stepped a bit too close to Foxy. He was stabbed in the right shoulder with his hook, screaming out in pain. "You missed his heart, you dumb fox!" Vincent growled under his breath, rushing over to the scene. Like a good employee, he unhooked the kid and tended to his wound with the first aid kit that Poppy had grabbed. The boy's mother grabbed him away from Vincent and looked at him disgusted.
"How dare you! You let my son get hurt!" Vincent sighed and gestured to a line on the floor that had a sign on either side that read 'DO NOT PASS THIS LINE' in big, bold lettering.
"For the record ma'am, if your kid bothered to read like a smart person, he wouldn't have gotten hurt."
"Vince, go get Scott. I'll deal with this," Vincent smiled at the mother and her child as he went into their Boss's office to see Scott organizing Boss's lawsuits and evaded taxes.
"Yo, Scotty. Something happened that was not my fault at all and now we might have another lawsuit. Oops."
"Vincent what do you mean?" Scott started to panic at the thought of Freddy's having to close after neglect. The last time he went to court with Boss and his Uncle, the judge said they had one more lawsuit until they were going to be closed for good. Scott rushed into the main room where the rest of the staff was trying to conduct crowd control, but the mother wasn't having it.
"I'll see you in court!" Scott sighed as she walked out.

The employees of Freddy's watched behind police tape as workers tore down the lettering to the pizzeria, and with each letter, each employee left the scene, leaving the five guys left, watching in disbelief.
"So, it's over?" Fritz stuffed his hands into his pockets as he looked around at his friends.
"I g-guess s-so." Mike, out of all the men, was the happiest. He didn't have to work anymore. He was free!
"Look, I love you guys and all, but I'm going to enjoy the rest of my summer. Deuces!" Mike rushed off to his car, dialing his girlfriend. "Doll, I'm fucking free, baby! Woo!" Vincent looked over at Scott who didn't tear his gaze from the building his uncle worked hard for. His own daughter, Scott's cousin, Charlie died for this business, and now Scott failed him.
"Vince," Scott rasped, throat dry.
"Let me get you home."
"Want me to stay at your pla-"
"No. I'm taking you home so I can break the news to Uncle Henry and Boss." Vincent nodded and followed Scott to his car. The last two, Jeremy and Fritz turned to each other and bid each other goodbye. Fritz would be starting college after all, and Jeremy was ready to finish high school and get into college as well. It was the end for these five friends. They all lost touch after that summer day. All except for Scott and Vincent, anyways.

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