Chapter 7 - "Bad for Business"

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*Bump in the road alert!*

The night was crisp and the office was cramped. Scott and Vincent were tasked with taking the night shift, to Scott's dismay. He not only didn't want to take the night shift and ruin his sleep schedule, but he especially didn't want to do it with Vincent, since he'd hinder Scott from getting anything done.
"Remind me again why we're doing this?" Scott sighed, flipping through the cameras.
"We're the bosses," Vincent rolled over in his swivel chair and grabbed the tablet. "And Mike's too drunk or hungover at this point to come in. So you're stuck with me.~" Scott turned in his chair and tried to retrieve the tablet from his friend's hands, to no avail. Vincent hunched over and tucked the tablet closer to his stomach, chuckling like a child.
"Vincent, c'mon." Scott huffed. "We've got to work."
"We'll be fine, Scotty. You programmed the 'bots. You should know how they operate." Scott thought back to the manual he was using. The pages were stiff and yellowed from age, and there were pages that seemed to be of some kind of importance ripped out in between other pages filled with the codes. The manual was from the 1980s, by both William Afton and Henry White. Scott's blood pressure rose as well as his pulse.
"Vincent give me the tablet." Scott reached around and sat back down with the tablet in his possession. He wasn't going to die tonight. Not by a long shot.

Scott's eyes were heavy as he looked at the small clock on the tablet. It was 1:45am. Time was moving at a snail's pace as the two were working. The animatronics weren't moving, and the sounds of the generator humming and the air conditioner blowing was starting to lull him to sleep.
"Vince," Scott tried desperately to blink away the fatigue. "Do you think you could take over for an hour?" Vincent shrugged and rolled over to Scott's spot.
"Sweet dreams, Scotty." Vincent said as he looked through the tablet. Scott's eyes closed and his mouth hung open, deeply sighing as he finally let sleep take over him. Within minutes, a loud snore rang throughout the pizzeria, seeming to shake the walls. Vincent jumped and turned around, watching drool slowly drip down Scott's chin, dotting his work shirt as another snore came from the older male.
"Geez, Scott." Vincent mumbled. "'Ya trying to get us killed?" Before another snore could possibly lead the animatronics to the office, Vincent picked Scott up and put him on the floor so he could turn him on his side. Thankfully, the snoring stopped, and Vincent spent the rest of the hour taking pictures of Scott with weird filters on him to use as blackmail later on.

Once Scott woke up, it was around 3:15am. The two men spent the next couple of hours sleeping in shifts and bantering back and forth, Scott making jokes and Vincent playfully flirting. Once the clock struck 5:01, the power went out.
"No, no, no, nonononono!" Scott panicked quietly. "I thought you were keeping track of the power, Vincent!" Vincent looked behind his chair and grabbed the tablet that had been turned off for the last hour.
"Well, I was-"
"Shut up and help me find a place to hide!" Scott and Vincent tip toed out of the left side of the office, peering down the hallway. The illuminated eyes of Bonnie stared at the two of them, watching for any movement. The giant rabbit began to stalk down the tile-covered hallway, mechanical paws loudly clanging as they made their way towards the two night guards. Vincent grabbed Scott by the back of the shirt and pulled him back into the office, rushing out the right side where it seemed like they were safe for the time being. Bonnie kept walking down the hallway, his footsteps becoming distant as Vincent and Scott rushed out of the right side of the office. In no time, they were in another corridor that led to a secondary section of the building, where the toy animatronics were powered down. In front of them was the "build-a-buddy" attraction with Mangle, to the left was the prize corner with The Puppet, and to the right was the karaoke room with Toy Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy.
"We're screwed," Scott muttered.
"They're not on. We should be-" Vincent saw The Puppet move around in its box, in his peripherals. "-Moving. We should be moving!" The two bosses made their way back into the initial hallway, where they were stared down by Chica. From down the hall, the two could see that Freddy was on his way. The putrid smell of stale blood and aged, rotted flesh was near as Bonnie was towering over the two men, standing in the office.
"Shit," Scott cursed. Vincent stared down the giant bird at the end of the hallway as he thought about the layout of his building. He thought of the various secret doors he could lure victims into, and cubby holes he could hide evidence in. Finally, he went over the vent layout and where each of them led to. There were two vents that led outside, and one of them was a bit past Chica and Freddy.
"Scott," Vincent said, still staring into the eyes of one of his past kills. "There's a vent at the end of this hallway that leads outside. You're going to open it while I keep the kids distracted."
"Vincent-" Vincent pushed Scott forward and ran along side him as he started to say his final goodbyes in his mind. He knew that only one of them could make it out of the pizzeria alive, and he'd rather have Scott survive over him.
"Crawl under them!" Vincent instructed as he tried to football shove the robotic chicken. Scott slid under the two animatronics and squinted his eyes against the darkness, trying to find any sign of a vent.
"Where, Vincent?"
"Right side!" Vincent was shoved into a wall, the blow causing his eyes to go blurry. A sadistic smile appeared on his face as he felt the cold, robotic hand of Freddy clamp around his arm and pull him up to eye level with the once-child. He remembered this kid. He remembered all three of them. Freddy was killed on his birthday in 2006. The first victim Vincent took into the safe room at that particular location. He was a happy kid, optimistic even. Vincent had an unhealthy amount of fun with him. Bonnie, who was watching a bit behind Chica, was taken in 2008. He and Chica actually were at the same party. Bonnie followed her around as she was his only friend. He was a shy kid, quiet. Chica was his polar opposite. She was loud. Very loud. She loved to sing along with Chica's part when the three animatronics performed. Bonnie just stood behind her, mouthing the words or humming along. All three of them were stupid, naïve little children, and Vincent didn't regret a thing. The three animatronics got distracted momentarily as they heard Scott kicking the vent in. The grate clattered in the vent with a loud bang, and Scott looked back in horror as he saw his friend getting choked out by a giant teddy bear.
"Oh God!" Scott ran towards the animatronics without any planning. He just wanted to save Vincent. "Shoot," He said as he saw the three turn to him. Vincent was dead in the paw of Freddy, and now it was Scott's turn. The body of the purple man was dropped to the floor and the three animatronics walked towards a nearly-hysterical Scott. The plan was to get the both of them out of the pizzeria, and that is what Scott was going to do. As they closed in on his location, Scott grabbed Vincent and moved as fast as he could with the dead weight of an unconscious Vincent on his back. He was barely faster than the animatronics when he first started moving, but as soon as the adrenaline kicked in, he was hauling ass to the vent. Scott virtually threw himself to the ground first and then pulling Vincent in, scooching through the vent as fast as he could with a body in tow before the animatronics could get an arm through to try to reach him. He kicked the other side of the vent open with one try, a mixture of sadness and adrenaline overwhelming him. As he pulled Vincent on to the gravelly ground, Scott noticed the trail of blood that Vincent made. The blood was coming from his arm, the blinding color of crimson completely covering the violet skin. Not only was there blood coming from the wound where the skin was broken on his arm, but there was blood dribbling out of his mouth and on to his shirt, as Scott examined. Scott could see where Vincent was choked, and that bones could have possibly been broken from the force, not only in his neck, but in his arm as well.
"You're an idiot," Scott sighed, tears hitting his glasses. "You knew you were going to die- AH!" The animatronics were hitting the sides of the vent, trying to reach Scott on the other side. "You bastard," Scott sniffled. He took out his phone to call the paramedics. "You're so dumb, Vince."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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