Chapter 2 - "Renovations"

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Clad in all black against the harsh violet of his skin, Vincent slid into his car and turned the key to start it. Today was the day. He was going to drive to the empty vessel he'd use to create his establishment from the ground up, just like his father would have wanted. William Afton was infamous for being one of the two faces of the Freddy's franchise, as many know. And he had a plan for his sons, though only one saw interest in the business. It must have been fate that Vincent's full name was Vincent William Afton. Vincent could see it now, as he hummed along to a pop song, being Scott's boss. He'd be able to tell him what to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. A sly smirk appeared on his purple lips as he thought about toying with Scott as he pleased.
"This'll be fun," He purred. "In due time, Scott. In due time...~"

Vincent parked his car in the parking lot next to the other cars of the people he hired on Craigslist. They weren't certified by any means, but Freddy's is known to cut corners. And if a few people died, it didn't matter. As long as Vincent got his building up, he was content. When he stepped inside, the smell and sight of pastel blue paint made Vincent recoil. He never understood why exactly kids liked bright colors. Vincent was more of a darker color palette guy himself. Jeremy was working alongside two of the six workers Vincent hired, using a paint roller and coating the walls in the colored fluid.
"Jeremy, I didn't expect you to be here. Is your girlfriend boring you?"
"G-Girlfriend?" Jeremy flinched then slowly remembered. He told the guys he had a girlfriend a while back. Said they were extremely happy and moved in together. "Yeah. N-No. She's o-out of town. B-Business." Vincent cocked a brow and nodded, walking out of the room and through the rest of his establishment until he made it to what would be his office. Like the rest of the building, it was empty. The walls were bare, the floor was uncovered, but he did have a can of paint sitting next to the door, with a paintbrush laying on top.
"This better not be...funny." The top of the paint can indicated that the color of his room would be an eggplant purple. Vincent, who has obviously been called an eggplant many times, was not impressed. But, he popped open the paint can and began painting his office.

In no time, a month passed. The cool September turned into an even cooler October, and Vincent was sitting patiently at a table in a coffee shop, sipping on a pumpkin spice latte despite hating the taste. Finally, his date walked in. Scott Cawthon in all his glory.
"Howdy, Scotty." Scott raised an eyebrow and sat down.
"Howdy? Where are we, Alabama?"
"You and I both know that we are in Nevada, my friend. A few minutes away from Vegas, might I add." Scott rolled his eyes.
"Why must you take everything I say so literally?"
"To annoy you," The purple man took another sip of his coffee. "Anyways, have you decided?" Vincent threw away his flirty facade for the second. He was in business mode. Scott's tired green eyes met the blank void that was his friend's. Truthfully, this situation had been keeping him up, causing him to have sleepless nights. There are reasons why Scott wanted to come back, to earn money so he could move out, to be reunited with his friends again. But he was working for an Afton. Scott's not one to judge on appearance, but being purple plus being shady didn't seem like a good combination. He could always work at a burger joint, under-salting fries and sloppily building burgers to put into small cardboard boxes. But where was the fun in that? As much as he didn't want to admit it, Fazbear's was addicting. The thrill of checking the cameras to make sure your skull wouldn't get crushed by a haunted robot, the stale pizza that is dripping in grease, those old songs that Scott hated with all of his being but had to listen to against his will, dare he say, Vincent constantly being a pest to him. It was his home. His screwed up, dangerous home. Scott watched Vincent take one final sip from his coffee before he focused his attention back to Scott. Slowly, he extended his hand out to his purple companion, shaking it as they connected.
"Pleasure doing business with you, Vince." Vincent smiled from ear to ear, an impish smile it seemed. It was like Scott was going into business with the Devil himself. It wasn't really far off considering that Freddy's was a hell on earth for the workers and kids who ended up the poor victims of the place.
"Like our relatives, eh?" Vincent said as the two men let go of each other's hand. "I'm the business and you're the robotics guy."
"Not sure I'm too happy about that."
"You have nothing to fear, Scotty. You're in good hands."

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