Open Mic Night with the Joker - A Joker Fan Fiction

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Open Mic Night with the Joker

By John Porter

Arkham Asylum

On a rare occasion where the Joker is behaving himself he is allowed some TV time in the day room of Arkham. He sat channel surfing going from news program to news program. He likes the news, especially stories of death and dismemberment. During a report of a home invasion robbery turned deadly the Joker offers his own unique perspective on the events. "Where's the Joke? Bah these criminals are only motivated by greed. Where's the art? the sense of showmanship? Any yahoo can break into a house and kill someone but this was just sloppy. I mean really this is just boring...Yawn"

TwoFace entered the dayroom he had taken a black marker and colored half of his Arkham scrubs black. "Really Harvey playing this duality thing to the hilt, aren't you? You don't see me trying to color my suit purple now do you? Taking a seat on the couch next to Joker "Whatever clown, Hand over the remote! We want to watch Twin Peaks!" TwoFace commanded as they held out their hand for the Joker to comply. "Of course, you would. HAHAHAHA. But wait; What's this?" A commercial aired advertising the grand opening of the Laughing Factory right here in Gotham hosted by none other than Carlos Mencia. Without addressing anyone in particular "Dear reader I can't say the Laugh Factory due to legal mumbo-jumbo and steeling of intellectual properties I'm looking at you Carlos? HAHAHAH"

The television advertisement went as follows: "Come celebrate the Grand Opening of the Laughing Factory Gotham City. Sunday April first Hosted by Carlos Mencia with performances by Michael Richards, Sarah Silverman, Carrot Top and headlining the comedy extravaganza comedy legend Jerry Seinfeld. Doors open at 6pm get here early for the shows opener; an Open Mic competition to see who's the funniest in Gotham." A plan began to form in the Joker's mind, who were they kidding? Everyone in Gotham knows who the funniest is, and it's time he proved it. He must bring his best material; he will upstage those wannabes and everyone in Gotham will know but first how to escape this time?

"Oh guards." The Joker walked over and whispered in one of the brawny guard's ear "I think Harvey over there is planning something devious. He was quite literally talking to himself and muttering something about Killing you and I'm pretty sure he has a knife" He hated to do it, he's been saving that homemade knife for just the right occasion, he kept it safe, hiding it in a most uncomfortable place, "Get your mind out of the gutter, it was in my shoe." It was in his shoe but in a very sly, sneaky maneuver he planted the knife on TwoFace prior to alerting them of the nefarious scheme, which Harvey had no knowledge of. He just wanted to watch twin peaks. Taking any potential threat from these crazies very seriously the guards immediately subdued the bewildered TwoFace. "We have a knife!" one of the guards said, "That's not ours!" TwoFace protested.

What happened to TwoFace or how the Joker escaped is not the story you want to read is it? Suffice to say TwoFace couldn't watch Twin Peaks and the Joker made good his escape...enough said? good. On with the story. The Joker had to plan. There were arrangements to be made, cronies to contact, material to write and he really needed Harley and her magic fingers. He was going to put his best foot forward and knock'em dead. He was going to show Gotham who the funniest truly is. This will be an April Fool's day to remember.

The Bat signal shown over the Gotham skyline. "Jim, you wanted to see me." Gordon should be used to it by now; Batman coming and going without any warning but after all these years it still sends chills down his spine. "Yes, Batman I suppose you've heard that the Joker escaped from Arkham again." The Batman stepped forward "I have and it's no coincidence that Gotham is opening a laughing factory. With an open Mic night. They almost begged him to hit it. How many died during the escape?" Gordon takes a moment to light his pipe. "Oddly enough the only causality was TwoFace got roughed up a bit. It seems the Joker planted a knife on him and used him to create a distraction so he could escape. Thank God for small favors huh? Batman? Batman?" As always, the Batman was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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