The First Date - A Lily Evans Fan-Fiction

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Prologue – Summary


My name is Lily Evans, many people may say they know me; where I grew up, what school I go to, and even who I’ve dated. (Which on the contrary, no one.) In my life though, I could say many is false; but I would never wish that. For this is my story, and I would like you to know it from my perspective; so lets start from the beginning.

            I had just turned eleven, and I was excited to get out of grade school, who wasn’t? I was different from everyone else sometimes, like that summer. My magical ability kicked in more then expected; the memory amuses me because it made Petunia jealous, although she acted freaked out. I met Severus Snape; I hope you have heard of him. He taught me all about the magical school called Hogwarts, he was my best friend at the time; and I guess you could say now as well. I was ecstatic when I got my letter like he told me, seeing the train, and the school made it all worth while. My first year was amazing, I got lost, made friends, freaked out, and, well, hated two special people; Sirius Black and the annoying, James Potter. Yeah, I hated them; did I mention I hated them? All they did was make fun of me about Severus, being a Slytherin lover, and many other things that made my face go red. So my first year was great, I guess.

            Second year? The same, except they had found new topics to destroy me with, for one, I was a smarty pant’s; on which I didn’t get since one of their closest friends, Remus Lupin, was about a little worse than me. The second, well, Potter would make me so mad, because he bullied Severus. I mean, what did he ever do to them except doing his homework and being a little nerd. Wasn’t I the same? Actually, the exception of being a Slytherin could have helped, but to me, there was no exception, the houses were meant just to create rivalry; right? The third and most annoying, James Potter asked if I would like to study with him. I just laughed and walked away, to me, it was just a lure for another prank, and I knew it was. I hoped.

            My third year at Hogwarts was great, especially since I got to go to Hogsmeade. Of course, as any little crazed thirteen year old, I was hoping for some cute, nice, and smart boy to ask me to the three broomsticks or something. This though, was not what I was expecting. Non other but James Potter, strutted right up to me and asked, at first I was surprised and confused; was this some type of joke? So I, being Lily, simply replied “No.” Of course that wasn’t enough for him. “Come on Lily,” James had said, “Be rational, I just want to hang out.” I just rolled my eyes. “What, so you and your little gang can plan some joke or prank on me which will result in more hatred? I don’t think so, for me, I need you to be rational and get your own priorities straight.” And I walked away. I did feel guilty for the look on his face, but had shrugged it off. So, I went on with my life; and James merely said hi, at least the bullying had stopped; well, for me I guess. Severus didn’t have so much luck, the comments had turned into family insults, and I knew how he never spoke about his family, even to me.

            Fourth year. James Potter had gotten a little… confident. He asked me out a few times, then begged me to hang out with his gang, and most of all, asked if he could do my homework. Revolted, I said no, knowing even if I said yes, he would have had Remus do them, since he didn’t even do his own. A few other guys had asked me out, Severus had gotten a little, mean, if you could say. The gangs bullying had gotten, a little severe. Severus would have essays magically disappear, public embarrassment; resulting in flyers of a bewitched photo causing uproar of laughter, he turned out to be an ugly, hairy girl in a bikini. For a fact, it had looked real, I still have that photo as a scar forever now; no one can look at Severus the same. I went off on James, but he just laughed as if this amused him; and so I angrily pushed him. He toppled over into one of the great halls tables, splattering him with pumpkin juice, liver pudding, and many other messy and colorful substances. I don’t think that made the bullying better, since he couldn’t take the anger out on me, he took it out on Severus; for me, finding the reason of the bullying. I wish it would all just stop.

            My magical fifth year. Wow, that was a year, Hogwarts had a ball signifying its, what? Three-thousandth birthday, if anyone could guess. The first person to ask me to the ball, well, you wouldn’t even have to guess. He annoyed me so much, why was this kid so desperate, it’s not like he liked me… uh, I hoped. The thought of me, dancing with James Potter almost made me gag, not only that, the look on Severus’ face? I would never do that to him, date the man who had bullied your best friend his whole schools years? I ended up going with some snooty, annoying, pimple faced, Hufflepuff, that almost made me regret myself. James had managed somehow to get his crazed hair to stay down, smoothed back, and the navy blue dress robes made him look fantastic. Of course, the next day; I mentally punched myself for the mere thought, because the bullying had gotten physical. Hiding and pushing Severus into a random closet, leaving him there half the day and all night, starving and dehydrated. Tripping him whenever they got the chance, jokes so harsh I couldn’t even explain. For me, I would yell at James, and little did I notice until now, he seemed to do so; just for my attention.

            My sixth year at Hogwarts. Not only did I find out James Potter fancied me, he also bugged me to no end, and my suspicions became true, after bullying Severus non-stop, I would yell at him and he would say, with no hint of guilt in his voice. “I will stop only if you go out with me.” I never gave him the satisfaction, and said no. Until that one day when Severus called me a mudblood, I freaked out and ignored them both, but the punishments on Severus got so gruesome, I couldn’t even look at any of them, with the same look again. I had gotten lonelier; hanging out with just a few girlfriends didn’t seem to match up what I had with Severus. Of course, I knew I could never forgive him, what he had said mashed up my best friend gene in the brain; if those are even real. He apologized, but I knew he could never take it back, and he wasn’t worth my time. Still feeling quite lonely, I needed some guy friends. In the end, Lupin and I ended up being partners in a transfiguration; and what brings one friend, brings the others. Surprisingly, James was very easy to ignore then usual, maybe for a fact he stopped his comments about Severus, and seemed quite happy we weren’t friends anymore, maybe the reason why. After the project, I still hung out with Lupin; he was a nice study partner. And, although ashamed, I must say the end of the year, was my brightest since awhile.

            Although I could just tell you what happened in this year, but what is the fun in that? So this is where my story starts, it starts; at the Hogwarts express.



As a friend has mentioned, Severus calls Lily a mudblood in his 5th year, not 6th, for anyone who would like to let me know; I already know now. Since I am lazy, I am going to leave it as it is. Thanks for reading! :)

- Lily


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