1. Simply Better

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I never thought I was terribly bad at anything. Catching air on the floatboard, gaming with my buddies after school, and even debating about timeless master pieces like Sword Hunter X or Hang Dude Amazing. I never thought I sucked at those things. I mean, if you're really asking me, I'd like to think I'm pretty seismic at everything. Well, I had my taste of not being totally awesome to the one person I believed thought extremely highly of me. My Papa. And not Papa like father, but Grandpa Papa, who is also my Sensei.

It all started a couple of Months back.

It was the start of summer break. Unlike most kids my age, my summers are filled with practicing martial arts with my best bud, Jin. My Papa would pick us up from Moms as soon as school let out, and we'd make our way to his estate in Mount Mitake.

Mount Mitake used to be more of a historic site back on the old world. Attractions, shrines, festivals. It was apart of a national park for centuries, but that all changed after the Universal Bout. Now, it's more of a land for seclusionist and old people. And I only say that because that's what Papa tells us at least once a year.

Papa's estate isn't too shabby either. It's built in the old Japanese style, fusuma's and shoji's, zen garden, and even a communal bath half a mile up the road called a sento. What's weird that he owns the communal bath, so the two neighbors using it were paying him. Actually, that's not weird at all, but smart. In the court yard is where the round, training platform lies where Jin and I are instructed daily, where we learn about the most seismic fighting style known to man. That's right; an ultra, legendary style that isn't even practiced anymore: The Martial Arts of Ta'kio. Fabled Fists to add flare. And Jin and I get to learn it. 

That's why we were stoked when Papa told us about a surprise exhibition.

Not just any exhibition, but a highly competitive, secret tournament where eight masters would get the chance to display their techniques among a special crowd. Papa was one of the participants. And yes. I know I said surprise but what's a surprise if you can't do a little recon? It's not!

So talk about excitement. No one has seen Ta'kio displayed in over 20 years, and now we'll get the chance to unveil it.

The morning we'd learn the details, you know -- teachers, styles, dates, everything! -- And because of it, I woke up in the best mood possible. I was even up before Jin and that NEVER happens. Papa was already gone having his coffee with friends. So, I thought I'd get a jump start on the morning by completing as many chores as I could.

"Today, is going to be a seismic day!" I say to my reflection in the mirror. For the first time, I felt like I was following my Dad's advice. Daily, talk to yourself, tell yourself of the great things your going to achieve, he tells my sister and I. And never forget, kids, dress the part. I wear my most prestigious uniform; a blue top, white pant dogi.

And I'm off.

The sun wasn't even up as I hike down to the post office to collect the mail for 20 mountaineers living around the area. Within the hour, I had all their mail delivered, something that takes Jin and I an hour plus. I then watered the plants in the garden, swept the training platform out back, even started breakfast for us.

Did I mention I was in a great mood?

"Morning." Jin said, ready to start his morning training. He too was dressed the part, wearing a sleeveless white dogi. Nothing special though, if I might add.

"Hey, J-bro," I said, sliding egg whites on his plate.

"What's the occasion?" He asked, taking a seat.

"You can't be serious," I said, sliding scrambled eggs on my plate. "Are you really asking me that question?"

"Suma, answer the question, please."

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