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Chap. 2 - Pathetic pt.1.


Taehyung POV

  "Boo! I got you." 

  I grabbed the figure out from behind the couch but he felt light, so much more lighter than a full grown man. I yanked him out and threw him on the floor and shit, this is not Deon Geun but his precious little son. The house's darkness made it hard to see everyting but wonderful, just what I needed.

  " Where's your father little boy? " I looked and cooed at the boy who was sitting on the floor. His son, Jeong Da Reum hugged his own knees, tears started to fall from his eyes, whimpers can be heard faintly if you are quiet enough. How pathetic, he would rather let his son face me then himself. 

  " I-I-I don't know......" he managed to sutter out an answer, good enough. A father that had the courage to stole from his own gang doesn't have the balls to face me let alone the fact that his son is now in my hands. 

  I walked towards the little boy who is shivering in fear and and crouched down. I reached my hand towards him but he avoided me. How dare him! I grabbed his chin and yanked it towards me. Our face were a few inches away, fat tears started to fall from his eyes again and I smirked. It's fun seeing him fear me like he should have.

  " Kookie, what do you think we should do with him? " I looked back at Jungkook, who was quietly watching all of this. Odd but I ignored it. " Do whatever you like babe, as long as you are having fun then I'm happy." he replied with his bunny smile. Why is he acting like this all of a sudden? " Fine." I replied with a slight annoyed tone.

  I looked back to the boy and think of something to do with him. An idea popped in my mind and I started to grin. " Jungkook, boil me some hot water. Extra hot for this sweetie." I ordered while looking at the little boy. If he wanted to escape me then so be it, but I'll let him suffer by torturing his precious son instead.

  I tied the boy to a chair and muffled his voice with a clothes I found in his bedroom. " Hurry up, Jungkook!" I yelled impatiently. " It's almost done okay? " he responded from the kitchen. 

  I observed the living room since I didn't have the time to do so just now. I was just kicking and knocking stuff over when a photo caught my attention. The photo was on the coffee table and I picked it up. It was nicely framed but with a crack down the middle. 

  I looked closer and I saw a man and a woman smiling brightly holding a child in their arms. It's Jeong Deon Geun, his wife and his son. I wonder what happened after this picture has taken, I never saw his wife before, not even the gang I think. But whatever, it's not like I care anyway. Her mother probably runaway like mine after she found out his own husband was involved in this type of shit. 

  I putted back the photo and turned to the boy. " I sympathize you child but blame your father for you suffers. " I spoke and the child looked at me with his puffy red eyes, letting out more muffled whimpers after the words I've spoken. I looked up and saw Jungkook bringing out a pot of hot boiling water. 

  " Ah-- just in time. Let have some fun shall we?" I took the pot of boiling water from Jungkook's hand and faced Da Reum with a huge psychotic smile on my face. His eyes widen, his face paled instantly and his body trembled. I can feel the excitement running through my veins when I saw terror engulfed him. I rolled up his pants and just before I started to pour hot water on his thighs......

  " NOO! STOP! "

  I stopped my action when I heard a familiar voice. I looked towards the door and saw little Deon Geun standing there with fear and anger in his eyes.

  "  Ahh~ look who decided to join the party? We are just starting, Deon Geun. Come join us! " I laughed after saying that. Jungkook grabbed Deon Geun and made him kneel down in front of me and his son.

  " I'm glad that you're in time for the party, I was just starting, thought you'll never show up but good. " I spoke.

  " Tsk tsk tsk....... look at your son. So pathetic. A pussy raised another pussy I see, fair enough. " I said while yanking the kid's hair. Deon Geun groaned with anger but does nothing.

  I took out the clothes that were stuffed into the kid's mouth he lets out a scream followed by " SAVE ME DAD! I DON'T WANT TO DIE PLEASE! " in between his sobs.

  " Don't worry baby, you'll be fine ok? Just trust me. " As those words came out of Deon Geun, I chuckled.

  " What KDrama is this that I'm watching huh? You really thought you'll able to escape this especially from me? " So naive. Thinking they'll be able to escape when everything is in my hands.

  " NOW! Back to business. "


hello everyone. VERY SHORT chapter i know sorry .just gonna appear a bit and throw an update at you guys. after next week i can FINALLY update more and just a smol hint, there will be a collab happening so hopefully i can finish this in a month or so depends on my laziness hhhhh. but anyways i miss y'all and i do like to stay and tell y'all about stuffs but i cant hhhhhh.

i love y'all and i changed some stuff but not to the storyline tho hhhhh.

thank you for reading ~ <3


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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