Chapter 7 : A Rainy Day

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Miyuki's POV

"I'm not sure of what you two mean." Ayame-san says taken back as if we didn't listen to her at all.

"We listened to you." I say

"But, from what you've said you observe Tamaki-senpai a lot. It's like...-" Haruhi states

"What are you kidding? Who would - even think about that?! You're heart must be a beautiful as your hair. That is revolting and fake." She says disgusted but, nervous.

"Yet you remember the exact words clearly." Haruhi says.

"It was because I was so disgusted by his words, that it left a deep engrave on me. Well he's probably forgotten all about it though. I can't stand such a terrible person. I don't want to be around such a person, I need to concentrate and study quietly." She says frustrated.

She pauses for a moment realizing that the atmosphere had got very tense. "Sorry about that." She apologizes.

"No, don't worry. I apologize for asking." I say.

She stands up and walks toward the window and opens it to get some fresh air. As if opening the window would let all the bad tension out and the peaceful atmosphere in.

She touches her hair frantically trying to straighten it but, it curls and starts to look wavy.

"Ehhhh! Princess Ayame's hair is becoming wavy." Hikaru states

"Ohhhh you have naturally wavy hair!" Kaoru adds on.

"When did they come back?" Haruhi looks in shock. We didn't even hear them come in.

She pushes the twins away and cries. "Mind your own business! My hair is wavy! That's why I hate the rain!"

"It's all because of you!" She points at Suoh-senpai. Which again, when did they come back? 

"It's because you misunderstood, I wouldn't have had to do to salon so frequently. Because of you, I can't be calm. Just stop it! Stop twisting other people's feelings!" She immediately grabs her stuff and leaves.

The door slams on her way out leaving an awkward atmosphere in the club room. 

"Well what do you think Omori?" Otori-senpai asks me.

"If you're asking me you already know the answer, don't you Otori-senpai." I respond.

"Ehh? What do you guys mean?" The twins question us.

"I thought that she liked him." Haruhi thinks but hestitant because of Ayame-san's reaction earlier.

"Wait she does?" The twins question getting more and more lost. 

"She does. But, she's having a hard time... She definitely has romantic feelings for Suoh-senpai. Naturally when you see someone you have feelings for flirt with other girls, it hurts her feelings. She also has been wearing her hair straight in order to maintain that beautiful heart concept that you complemented her with. It must've meant a lot to her." I explain.

"She really likes Tama-chan a lot." Honey senpai realizes as Mori-senpai pats him on the shoulder agreeing. 

"Exactly. She wanted to have a beautiful heart so she always straighten her hair. Her hair naturally being wavy made her hate it because she doesn't believe that she sincerely has a beautiful heart." I say.

"Wow... good job Love Master!" The twins give me a thumbs up and nickname me. 

"I'm not a love master." I chuckle. "It's women intuition." I smirk. I stand up and walk up to Suoh-senpai who is looked down distraught on what he now knows. "Well now it's up to you on how you take on this. Good luck Senpai." I pat his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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