Trapped in a box

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(A/N): What am I doing?

(Y/N)'s Pov

"This isn't funny guys! Let us out!" I wail, kicking and screaming, like a kid.

Light and Misa thought it was a good idea to trap L and I in a box! Why? What was the point in this? How did they mangage to get us in the box in the first place? We had no idea either!

"We have a case to solve, now quit the fun and games and let us out!" L says.

"But that would ruin the 'fun and games'" Misa said, trying to impersonate L when she said fun and games.

The two started laughing. I scowled.

"What's this? A parcel for a certain someone?" Light put on probably the worst impression of a postman ever, and kicked the box over, at the side I was sitting at. This caused me to fall right into L.

"LIGHT!!" I yelled, blushing as L just stared at me.

Light started laughing, knowing that his plan was working.

"I'm sorry Ryuzaki", I say, getting off him, blushing more.

"That's okay (Y/N)", he says back to me.

"I never ordered this parcel!" I heard Misa yell in a stupid accent, and she kicked the box back. This caused L to fall on top of me!

I squealed and hid my face in embarrassment.

I heard the two of them laughing again. I swear, when I finally get out of here, they're dead!

L climbed off me and sat next to me instead of opposite me.

Soon, Light and Misa started shaking the box, causing me and L to bump into each other.

"I have a brilliant idea!" Misa squealed.

"What are they planning?" L growled.

I soon felt the box being lifted up.
They were taking us somewhere.

Oh no...

-Very Small Time Skip-

I felt a draft from inside the box. We were obviously outside and I had a pretty good idea of where we were anyway.

"Have a nice trip!" Light called to us.

With that, he kicked the box causing L and I to tumble down what appeared to be a hill. Just as I thought.

It appeared to be quite a big hill too, as we were tumbling for a while, bumping into each other and ending up in really weird positions every millisecond!

Our tumbling soon came to a stop.
I open my eyes to see L on top of me again!

But something else was happening...

Our lips were connected!

I blush madly as L quickly gets off me and covers his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry..." he whispered, looking away. He started blushing too.

"Th-that's okay. It's not your fault", I whisper back, scratching the back of my neck.

It was a very awkward silence until I took a deep breath:


The two laugh again! I swear, I was reaching my breaking point!

I sighed. "What's the point? They're not gonna let us out for a while", I say.
"Might as well get used to it", I put my hands behind my head and try to get comfortable.

"Soft..." I heard L whisper.

"What are you talking about?" I ask him.

"Your lips were soft and tasted like sweets...! (Y/N)! Can I kiss you again?" L crawled over to me, his face only inches away from mine!

"Wh-What?! Where's this coming from, all of a sudden?!" I say, trying to back away when I know I can't.

"Please?" L tilted his head and gave me a smile. He put his hand on the wall of the box and stared into my eyes.


I was cut off by the box tipping over again, causing myself to fall on top of L. Our lips connected for the second time, but this time, he wasn't surprised and settled into the kiss. Of course I was surprised. L wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, if that were possible. I began blushing madly, but slowly began to sink into the kiss. I put one hand on his shoulder, and ran my fingers of my other hand through his black hair.
I had to admit, it did feel nice, but it was embarrassing at the same time.

We finally break away, gasping for air. L still had his arms around me.

"You can let go now", I say to him, laughing nervously.

"I don't want to", he said, pulling me into his chest.

I blushed, but snuggled into him. He was warm, unlike this box.

Soon, we felt the box shake again.

Misa opened the box and gasped as she saw L with his arms around me.

Light came over and started laughing.

The two gave then gave each other a high five and said:

"Mission accomplished!"

They are so dead!

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