The Trip To Touring

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“Is everyone ready?” Josh yells as we all lug our suitcases outside to the van.

            I groan as I pull my fourth suitcase out the door with my bag slung around my back. Josh runs over and grabs my suitcase, helping me carry it over. “Thanks.” I laugh.

            He rolls his eyes. “At least you brought less than Dalia and Hannah. Dalia brought 6 and Hannah brought 9.”

            I smirk. “Well, I figured I would go buy some clothes from America when we land. Maybe buy some clothes from each of the cities we visit. A souvenir from the summer, eh?”

            He smiles and stuffs my last suitcase into the back of one of the van before closing the trunk and sighing. “Well, Hannah and I are going to take one of the van’s. Do you mind driving you and Dalia? Just follow us.”

            I nod. “Yeah, sure.” He tosses the keys to me and I catch them midair, walking to the front of the car.

            “We are here!” Hannah sings as she and Dalia step out of the house.

            Josh’s eyes widen. “What are you wearing?” Dalia is wearing a cropped t-shirt with the American flag on it, with large black sunglasses, and ripped black shorts, matched with a ton of accessories and boots while Hannah is decked out in all things USA, from shoes to shirt to shorts. She even tied up her blond hair with what looks like an American flag.

            Dalia grins and matter of factly says, “This is what they wear in America.”

            Despite looking like total tourists, they actually looked really beautiful, as usual. Suddenly, I look down at my own outfit consisting of baggy sweatpants and a black tank top. Even though I’m pretty big on my appearance, I don’t think that I need to look stunning at an airport. Right?

            I hop into the van and yell out the window. “Dalia! You’re riding with me!”

            “Coming!” She choruses as she skips over and hops in through the door. Her hand instantly goes to the radio and starts tuning it onto our favorite radio station.

            Josh and Hannah get in their van and start driving towards the airport, so I step on the gas pedal and follow them.

            One hour of driving later, filled with Dalia and me singing to all of our favorite songs and laughing about anything, we reach the airport. I park next to Josh and Hannah and hop out the van, instantly greeted by a few large, muscular men. Josh introduces them as a few of the bodyguards, but at the moment, they’re only there to help us with the luggage. We pile all the suitcases into a trolly that we hop onboard and it takes us straight to the entrance of the airport.

            Dalia starts to pick up some of the suitcases, but Josh laughs. “Leave it. We need to go check in. The bodyguards will take them, don’t worry.”

            Hannah, Dalia, and I look around the airport smiling. We’ve never gone on a trip together so it’ll be a first for all of us!

            We go through all the regular airport procedures like security, and finally get through the wonderful gates to the flights. “What plane are we going on?” I ask Josh.

            He smirks. “The boys’ jet.”

            “Oh my gosh! No way!” I laugh as we follow him through a gate towards the outside of the building.

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