Chapter 1

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Hey guys I'm starting this new fanfic because I love the Levi and Eren ship so muchhh AHHHHH!😊❤️ I hope you enjoy it! (This might be long)

-Eren's POV-
I woke up to the sound of my loud ass alarm clock ringing. "AHHH WHAT THE FUCK!" BOOM. "Owww FUCK! Why do I always fall out of the god damn bed."
"SHIT! It's Monday! And it's fucking 8:20! I'm supposed to be at school by 8:30!"
I pick myself up off the ground and run over to my closet to hopefully find a outfit.
*Knock knock* "WHAT!!" I scream.
"Eren we're leaving. Do you need anything?" Said Mikasa from the other side of my door. She never comes in my room anymore without asking since one time she bursted in when I was naked.
"Yes I do need something! For you to go the fuck away." I screamed as I hear Mikasa's footsteps trailing down the hall.
I pulled a hoodie and some ripped black skinny jeans of the hangers in my closet and put them on in a hurry.
I grabbed my phone and earbuds and threw them in my backpack then rushed down stairs. As soon as I got down stairs I swear I almost ripped the door off it's hinges trying to get out of the house.


"F..inall...y I'm" i said out of breath from the running I did to get to his goddamn school!
I run down the hall to get to my first period. School had already started and it was now 8:33.
I open the door to my first period still out of breath.
"Has anyone seen Ere..oh he's here. Explain to the class why you were late sir." Said Mr. Smith.
Oh great. I walked to the front of the class. "I was late today because..". Wait why was I late today? OH FUCK! I was late because I had a very wet dream about Levi, the guy I like! DAMMIT EREN, DAMMIT!
"Eren!" Mr. Smith snapped. "Please continue."
"Sorry." A heavy blush set over my face thinking about the dream I had. I tried to cover my face the best I could without Levi noticing. "I was late because... I slept past my alarm."
"Now, please sit Eren." Said Mr. Smith.
I walked over to my sit and sat beside Mikasa and Armin. "I hope he didn't see." Armin said as he pointed over to Levi who was sitting in the back.
I slapped Armin's hand. "Don't point he might see." I said as I blushed.
All of first period was boring Mikasa kept blabbering about how she thinks Levi would be a bad boyfriend. Armin on the other had he's pretty chill about Levi.
First period is just science so I didn't pay attention because that's boring. Next period was math with Mrs. Zoë but Mrs. Zoë is pretty chill so she is my favorite teacher.
Me, Mikasa, and Armin walked into second period. I couldn't stop thinking about Levi.
Every now and then I would say "Levi is like really hot guys" Or "I wish we could date" to Armin and Mikasa all through second period.

-Mikasa's POV-
ARHHH omg yes I know he likes Levi. BUT. HE. WON'T. STOP. TALKING. ABOUT. HIM!
Wait maybe if me and Armin plan something after school Eren will look forward to that and maybe get his mind if fucking Levi.
Even at home it's always *mocks Eren in her brain* Levi this. Oh Levi does that. Omg Levi. LEVI. LEVI!
I give Armins arm a little nudge letting him know I want his attention.
"Hey, do you think if we go to a creek after school it'll get Eren's mind off of Levi?" I whisper to Armin.
"Oh goodie the creek!" Armin quietly squealed. "I love the creek!"
"Ya I know." Giggling a little bit at Armin's reaction. "Okay,

-Eren's POV-
Finally second period is over just three more periods till I get out of this hellhole.
Finally Mrs. Zoë stopped speaking. I walked out into the hall with Armin and Mikasa behind me. I started to walk down the hall when Mikasa pulled me back by my arm.
I thought she was gonna be mad at me for talking about Levi so much but she told me we were going to a creek to hopefully get my mind off Levi.

*The next three periods are basically the same.. so skip till the end of school. :)*

Finally the last bell rang. I waited for Mikasa and Armin so we could walk back home and put our bathing suits on.
On the way home I kept talking about how good of a boyfriend Levi would be. Armin just thinks it's adorable because I always blush, but Mikasa looks like she could bash my head in.
We finally got home and I headed straight to my room to put on my green swimming trunks.
I first pulled my hoodie off wondering if Levi even knows I exist. Or if he even talks to anyone. He usually just sits in the back of the room on his phone or writing notes. He sits by hisself at lunch and everywhere else.
I shook my head getting my self back into reality. I pulled off my underwear and black skinny jeans then, put on my swimwear.
I went out of my room to find Armin lathering himself completely in sunscreen and Mikasa sitting on the couch waiting for me.
"Is everyone ready?" Questioned Mikasa.
"Ya me." I stated
"Wait.. can someone come put sunscreen on my back pleaseee?" Questioned Armin.
Mikasa rolled her eyes and I giggled a little because of how much sunscreen he was putting on.
"No you have enough." Said Mikasa in a kinda scary tone.
"Awee! But, if I get burned it's on you Mikasa!" Said Armin.
I giggled at their little fight and we all headed to the door to go to the creek.


-Eren's POV-
We made it to the creek and we were walking down this little path in the woods to get to it.
When we got there I ran down a little walkway and jumped in.
*Shiver Shiver* "'!" I said.
I though about what it would be like to have Levi there holding me to get me warm again.
I swam in the water to a place where I could touch and looked down in the crystal clear water to see my growing member.
I bit my lip "Fuck." I mumbled under my breath.
I tried to think of things I hate to make my erection go down like heights. Speaking of heights I looked to my left and saw this huge cliff with Mikasa on top of it. I immediately knew she was gonna jump off. I internally screamed feeling my heart rate increase, but at least I didn't have a erection anymore.
Mikasa reared back the ran and jumped off. I closed my eyes a looked away. I can't stand heights. I never could. I hate them. Despise them.
Just seeing or thinking about heights scares the shit out off me.
Armin spotted me and could obviously tell I was scared. He swam over to me and patted me on the back.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said trying to act all manly and fearless.
"Whatever Eren. Please tell me if you feel like telling me what was wrong." Armin stated.
"Ya. Sure. Whatever." I said. I wanted to over come my fear. I've never told Mikasa or Armin about it though.
I looked back up at the cliff right as Armin jumped off. Mikasa ran back up the hill to jump off again. "Come On Eren it's fun!" Mikasa squealed.
"Ok." I sighed. I ran up the hill thinking I was gonna overcome my fear.
Mikasa ran and jumped off. Oh no now it's my turn. I internally facepalmed because I knew I couldn't back out of this, Mikasa would call me a mommy's boy for a month.
I could hear Mikasa and Armin at the bottom of the cliff cheering me on.
I worked up my nerves and moved into a running position.


(A. N💙) Sorry about the cliffhanger hehe. Comment what you want to see in the future and maybe I can make that happen. Tell me if I made any mistakes please (Also I don't proof read so ya..). Okay be ready for the next chapter loves!💗🌸

Eren's Fear of Heights Where stories live. Discover now