Chapter 2

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Hey! You made it to the new chapter congrats! I'm really liking this story so far so ya I'll keep writing! Comment what you want in the future and maybe I'll make that happen!💗💗 -love Jayden!

-Levi's POV-
Finally I'm finished cleaning my room, I can go to the creek now. I always go to the creek to get things off my mind.
I put on my black swim trunks and threw my black towel over my shoulders. I filled my black cup with some tea and put a lid on it.
I loved the creek. It was probably the only thing I loved besides cleaning. I could relax. I go there everyday.
I grabbed my tea and headed out the door after putting on my black flip flops.


I always walk down this little path to get to the creek. The path is quite overgrown though so I'm always knocking tree limbs and weeds out of my way.
I finally got to the overgrown end. I pulled down a branch to look out to see if anyone else was there. Although not many people come to this creek, that's one of the reasons I love this creek.
As soon as I pulled down the branch I stopped. My eyes catch this boy standing on a cliff. He looked worried, but for some reason I wanted to hold him in my arms to make sure all the worry went away.
I couldn't look away from him. I could hear other people but I couldn't look at them. It was like my body wouldn't let me.
He was beautiful. He had brown hair that moved in all the right places when ever he ran his fingers through it. He had beautiful green eyes that were filled with worry.
My eyes ran over his entire body. He had a beautifully built body with a chiseled chest. Strong legs. Beautiful lips. Everything was perfect.
I wanted to love him. I tried to look at his face a little closer without making any sound so know one would know I was behind the bushes.
Wait..wait.. Do I know this boy? He looks familiar. Wait..that's Eren Jaeger he goes to my school we have 3 classes together.
Somehow that made me happy to know he went to the same school as me. I grinned a little. In school I never really payed attention to him. He was late today.
I watched him closely. He backed up like he was gonna run and jump off the cliff. Maybe he was scared of heights. He ran to jump, but when he got to the end he didn't jump. He just stopped and squealed. It was kinda cute. He's definitely afraid of heights.
I knew his friends were cheering him on but I couldn't hear them. I couldn't even hear myself breath. I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't look away. It was like the only thing my life depended on was him.
He kept trying to jump off but every time he would squeal. I could tell he was getting really frustrated at himself.
I finally shook myself back into reality. I could hear now. Both of his friends were walking up this hill to get to him. The blonde on gave him a pat on the back. The one with black hair screamed "we're going home, wanna come?". He obviously didn't want to go home with them. He shook his head to reply with a 'no'.
As soon as the other two left he sat on the bench that was a couple feet behind him and he buried his face in his hands. He was practically radiating anger.
I wanted to hold him in my arms and tell him it was okay but I couldn't. I was watching him hurt and I couldn't do anything about it especially since he probably doesn't even know I exist.
He started slapping himself in the head. I wanted to throw up I was watching him hurt and I couldn't even do anything about it. I was disgusted at myself.
I made up a plan in my head. I would walk around to the other side and come out the path his friends went in. I would just go and sit on the bench beside him. But not to close. I would just go sit down and act like he's not even there until he notices me, then I'll just plan the rest from there.


I kept repeating in my head 'I hope this works. I hope this works'. I finally made it to the open part of the creek and I could see him sitting down with his head still buried in his hands.
With every step closer to the bench my heart would beat faster, and faster.
I finally got to the bench and I sat down beside him.

-Eren's POV-
I heard a little creak sound in the bench. I could feel someone else's weight on it. It was probably Armin.
Before looking up I dried my tears with the back of my hand. I looked up.
I looked up and saw one thing I can never get out of my mind. Levi. My heart rate increased to a dangerous speed.
It was like I was invisible to him. His head was raised high in the air. His eyes were were closed. It was like he was enjoying the fresh air.
I don't want my crush to see me like this. I just got up and started walking off when I felt his hand grabbing my wrist.

-Levi's POV-
I grabbed his wrist before he could walk off. His eyes were closed. His body was stiff. He was also shaking.
I didn't know what to do I can't just grab his wrist then let him go. I can't tell him I was staring at him the whole time.
My body moved faster than I could think of what to do. Before I even knew it I was kissing him.
I kissed him passionately and deeply like this kiss was the only thing that mattered.
At first he was stiff and he didn't kiss back, but when I made the kiss a little deeper he relaxed and then eventually kissed back.
I put my hands around his waist and held him close to me. He is so warm and soft. I never wanted to let him go. I want to stay like this forever. His lips were soft. So so soft.
I was moving a little to fast but I didn't think of that during the moment. I bit his bottom lip for and entrance,
But then he pulled away.

Awee! How sweet Levi! Comment if I made any mistakes plz. This is just a fluff chapter. I'm currently in the car on my way to Florida so I might work on the 3rd chapter a little maybe. 💗💗

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