There has been legends and myths of shapeshifter Phenomenon's from Argentina to Morocco, going as far back as a hundred years, the most known is skinwalkers as they are popularly seen in franchises like supernatural and in movies, the most popular type is the werewolf as it has become a common and exciting idea used in novels and movies. Darion Weaver an investigator for the police force of Michigan has been set up for the case of the porcupine disappearances and murders. A number of missing hikers, both male and female age ranging from around 18 to 50 had have reported disappearances in the trails of Porcupine Mountain Escarpment trail, bodies have been discovered, terribly mangled and in a grotesque state, from arms being dislocated and to torsos terribly twisted, all in the same pattern of death time from 5 in the morning to 8. Reports of screaming being heard by locals in the park have been a common and a repetitive thing before the occurrences of the deaths. 

The time was 4 am an hour before the haunting hour of porcupine mountain, Darion weaver was staking out armed and ready to arrest and bring the culprit to there well-deserved punishments, searching the area in a disguised manner so he wouldn't appear a threat to whomever this alleged killer is, rumors have been said that the culprit wasn't of this world and was some sort of demon or shapeshifter but those were all phony ideas that wouldn't be scientifically possible as experts in the area put it, but darion wasnt a skeptic he feared that this may be true as he had strong supernatural beliefs and an immense fear of the unknown and the undescovered, he wasnt at all doubtful as paranoia has gotten the best of him, each movement and step he made frightened him as he shakily carried his weapon in one hand careful not to accidentally pull the trigger as he carried a flashlight in other his hands not still and his palms sweaty, his heart was pounding unreasonably fast as a cold sweat ran down his forhead. As Darion walked he spotted something in the distant, a feminine figure, that seemed to be walking without a worry as he knew the danger this could hold for the female he silently approached her, his knees growing weaker at each step, he didn't know why ''only a civilian right?''he thought to himself, ''nothing to be afraid of..'' he shakily and nervously got gradually closer to the women, who's appearance was quit beautiful, his flashlight displayed that she had long curly red locks, an hourglass figure and white skin almost porcaline, she wore a lovely red tube top and slim fitting jeans and heeled boots, her shoulders were decorated with freckles. Darion couldn't take his eyes off the women, he had to alarm her of the dangers this area is, ''excuse me m-miss you shouldn't be here'' he nervously choked out his voice shaky the women turned and face him with a smile, an unusually wide one her eyes seemed to pierce into him as he seemed to lose any control he had as he got even closer to the women, she kept her smile as she turned into another direction beckning him to follow, darion became entranced with her as she led him to a cave where she began to strip for him, as she kept lureing him even closer until he was face to face with her, she reached for his pants to unbuckle them, he didnt respond he was hypnotized by her eyes as he dropped both his flash light and his gun the light around him seemed to dissapear as the women was the only thing in his line of sight, her grin became darker each momment he stared he couldnt do anything, but stand there in a trance like state. The women's grin slowly became twisted and monstrous, her teeth became razors, jagged and knife-like, her lips blackened as her hair became matted and tangled, her eyes became soulless pits of glimmering white, her skin became ivory, aligned with a number of open and torn wounds across her arms and torso, her nails were now claws, pure black the skin around her cheeks slowly began to rip as her mouth widened similar to that of an anglerfish, she slowly became sickly skeletal like. Darion wanted to move, he wanted to run but he was frozen in place as this horrifying being  began to enclose its mouth over his head slowly piercing its teeth into his flesh, blood trickled down as he felt this things tongue on his face and its disgusting saliva drip down him, his blood ran cold and his heart pounded out of his chest, his skull was slowly being penetrated, he heard the cracking in his ears as he felt the things skeletal hand wrap around his arm slowly twisting it, he couldnt scream he couldnt do anything he just had to stand there through his painful end, eventually the world around him became a blur as his knees buckled below him, he fell collapsed as the thing's jaw kept lock, soon he heard a crushing sound as his life drained out of him, everything faded to black.

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