Don't Let Her In

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It was precisely 12:50 AM in the morning. Roaring thunder and crashing lightning were heard from outside, and the rain came down as if hundreds of buckets were being dumped. But Holly Frenz enjoyed the sounds as she was falling asleep next to her husband, The weather helped her sleep better and snore less. As Holly was drifting off to her well-deserved slumber, she couldn't help but open her eyes as she saw the reflection of a spot light on her bedroom window through her curtains, She then shook her husband awake he groaned, and Holly explained that there was a light coming from the outside of their home, which was odd there were headlights coming from the road, this puzzled holly because their home was a bit on the outskirts of town, yes they had neighbors that worked but they usually didn't hear the sound or see the lights of a car till roughly 5:00 AM . As Holly pondered on why there was a car, the light soon faded down the road, Holly's husband got up and said he would go check outside but his words were soon cut off as they heard a knock at the door in the living room, this made Holly uneasy so her husband said he would go check it out to see who was there. Her husband walked from the bed to their hallway, walking down the hall then into the living room approaching the door, as the knocks continued he opened the door looking out the screen seeing a girl who looked to be 16, she had messy brunette hair, blue eyes, tattered and dirty skull crop top with a long soft brown knitted sweater coat that was just as dirty as the crop top as well as tattered, and she wore ripped shorts with a belt and dirty boots, her face looked bruised and dirty along with the rest of her bare skin, Holly's husband stood there in awe seeing this young girl in this condition at their door, she then said the words ''please help me..'' he couldn't deny this, she looked abused, after a moment he let her in, this poor girl she was soaked by rain. Holly's husband yelled down the hall telling holly to grab a towel and that she did soon coming in the living room seeing the beaten up and soaked girl looking down at her feet, Holly ran to the girls aid wrapping the towel around her and guiding her to the kitchen and sitting her down at the wooden table asking her what happened and how she got here she said nothing in reply, which made Holly get a sense of uneasiness, but she tried to push the feeling back and continued to ask the girl questions like her name, Sarine she said, or where her parents were, they'll be here soon she said, Holly also asked who her parents were, they'll be here soon she repeated Holly became even more uneasy as she faked a smile and turned to her husband telling him to pour some juice for the girl, he approached the fridge and grabbed the juice and then a glass pouring some for the girl, as he was pouring it he heard Holly say she felt dizzy all of a sudden, he turned in their direction as he finished pouring it, he saw his wife her hands on her head and her eyes which were now bruised like she just got hit in the face or ran into something, he then saw the girl smiling in a eerie manner but that was nothing compared to what he saw as he looked directly at the girls face, her eyes were no longer with pupils the sclera or the cornea, her eyes were big inky pools of darkness, he stopped dead in his tracks paralyzed with fear dropping the juice and the glass, the girls smiled soon turned into a grin revealing fangs, her skin was now pale a deathly pale as if she just died, the bruises were no longer there and her clothes were not tattered and dirty he couldn't do anything but stare as his wife's head was in her hands and her nose was bleeding rapidly dripping onto the table, then her husbands eyes soon were shot with pain as if his eyes were both being impaled, his head was now feeling as if he just took a blow to the head, he then fell to his knees overcome with dizziness, the girls grin remained as she sat there staring at the sight in front of her, soon Holly stood up seeing how much she was bleeding she ran to the counter grabbing tissues and holding them up to her nose and she turned to her husband who looked weakened then her attention was back at the girl who continued to smile twistedly at them without moving, she looked frozen, she was just staring at them and grinning Holly was terror-stricken as she was just locked on the girls eyes soon frozen in place, her husband he was in a dazed state he couldn't do anything he was petrified, he wanted to grab his wife and abandon their home, he wanted to run but couldn't all he could do was stare, locked on the girls eyes, Holly then fell to her knees soon breaking down, dropping the tissues her hand, her eyes they were blood shot, and tears were pouring from them, her husband soon began doing the same thing, the girl, Sarine remained grinning ''my parents are here'', soon the electricity went out it was pitch black, much like the girls eyes, the girl She was now gone.

''A couple was found dead earlier this morning around 8:00 AM, their deaths are unknown but the police say traces of cancer were found, The police as well said its been a month till they were found, their neighbors were reporting a rotting scent coming from the Frenz household and that they haven't seen anyone coming in or out of their home, but there were muddy prints on their door step the day after it rained, but they were washed away that following evening when they assumed their deaths occurred, they are calling the case a murder but could be proved otherwise over the next few days'' 

Book of creepypasta OC stories/PoemsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant