It Comes Speeding At You When You Least Expect It

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Zayn’s POV

I lean on the wall, grumpily talking about how much I hate going out with Mireya. She puts me in such a bad mood. The whole room is a chaos. The guys started up the karaoke machine 3 hours ago. When you have a karaoke machine, you can’t stop these guys for nothing. Add the drinks we’ve all had, and its even more chaotic.

Mireya surprised me, she drank almost five beers and half a bottle of our strongest tequila and she still isn’t drunk, barely over tipsy is what she is.

Right now she’s up with Harry, singing a bad rendition of Queen’s “The show must go on”, with them two belting out the lyrics at the top of their lungs. Everyone else is laughing and singing along with them. Rolling my eyes I just look at these idiots making a fool of themselves.

The song finishes after a while of Mireya jumping around screaming the lyrics into the mic and making the wierdest and goofiest expressions. Sighing, I decide I’ll sit down for a bit. Once I sit Liam starts to talk to me, asking how my parents have been. Once I relax a bit and start talking to him he asks if its okay if he and Danielle go visit us one of these days. Shrugging I say sure, Liam has always been a good friend of mine since the beginning. I wouldn’t mind hanging out a bit more with him.

Once mireya and harry leave the mics alone Liam pushes me onto the “stage” to sing “Don’t go breaking my heart” with him. Groaning I tell him no. But he keeps insisting onto the point in which I grudgingly take the mic out of his hand and do the song with him. Before the song starts, I see Mireya and Niall walk into the kitchen, talking about how they needed something to drink.

Pushing that into the back of my mind I start singing, doing the song with Liam until I’m way beyond relaxed and start doing some little dance moves, goofing around with Liam.

The song ends and I realize that Mireya and Niall haven’t came back from the kitchen yet. I know it does not take that long to get a drink. Even more with Niall who loves being surrounded by people.  I go into the kitchen and barely get past the door frame when my legs stop and my chest feels weird.

Niall and Mireya are in front of me, making out. Niall has his hands all over her, roughly holding her against him.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!” I shout at them, enraged at Niall and Mireya. I can faintly hear the music stop in the living room and footsteps running to where I am but I don’t pay them any attention, seething at the two people in front of me. They jump away from each other and look at me scared. Mireya’s lips are a deep red, her eyes wide as she pulls down her shirt that rode up a bit, along with lifting it where Niall groped her boobs. Fuming, I stomp over to them, clenching and unclenching my fists.

I have never screamed at anyone when I got mad. Sure I have fist fought a bunch of times these past few years, but never screamed, it wasn’t my style. I’m about to jump on him when I feel harry and Liam grab my arms holding me back. My nose flairs and I give Mireya and Niall a stony look.

“Let me go” I growl at the guys holding me back. “I won’t hurt them, I’m leaving”

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