The Start Of The End

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**Clary's POV**
I look over at Jace just as the sun is rising. It's the day after the wedding and everyone is already busy cleaning up, except us.

"We should probably go out and help them," I said in an exasperated voice. I don't really want to get up. I see him nod his head but neither of us move. I turn myself so that my arm rests on his chest. I look up to find him staring right at me.

"You know I heard getting up takes up a lot of energy, we could just stay here forever," Jace says. Than he tilts his head down a bit just as I lift mine and out lips meet. I could feel as we got closer to one another that we fit perfectly against each other. As the kiss deepens into something much more, my mind whirls around with the possibilities of us. Maybe one day we will get married and have out own set of children. I try to put my questions into the kiss. I press my mouth harder against him as if I was allowing him to go further. Bring me to the point of forever that I willed him to do.

I think he gets what I am trying to say because be spins me around so that we are no longer next to each other but now he is on top of me. I break away from the kiss and look him in the eyes. They are dark. I love the way his eyes shift from one shade of gold to another.

"I love you, Jace Harondale," I say with as much love and compassion that I can will to surface in my voice. His eyes travel all over my face, before he stares back at me.

"And I love you even more, Clary Fray," he says as a smile stretches across his face. He's so gorgeous that I can't help to think that he is all mine. I should be used to this now, I tell my brain as my face flushes at the thought.
I take my hands that have been at my side and I rest them on his abdomen. It's hard and soft at the same time, making me happy at the thought of getting to touch this everyday. I run my hand up his abdomen to his chest and then raised them all the way up until they are in his pale yellow hair. I pull his head towards me ready for what ever comes next. Our lips touch once again but with more heat and intensity, making me want to press my body as close to his as possible.

The next thing I know, Jace is kissing my jaw line while pulling up my shirt with the other revealing my stomach underneath. He moves with grace and starts to kiss my stomach.

Just as things are starting there was a nock at the door to the bedroom.

"Clary? You in there?" said the voice. I recognize it to be Simon. I look over at Jace to see that he has a wild look in his eyes. Then I remember, he isn't suppose to be in here. Mom and Luke tried there hardest last night to make sure we were in separate rooms before they left for their hunny moon. Of course they would of had to know that it would never work but it was a good try. No one knows that Jace is in here.

I look him right in the eyes and point to under the bed. He looks at me with mocking disappointment before moving swiftly under the bed.

"Yes Simon, I'm in here." I say with as much excitement I can put into my voice. I know that I much be flushed so I pinch my cheeks to bring some color back into them. I hear Jace silent laugh from under the bed, I'll have to get him back for that later. "You can come in." I say to Simon. He opens the door slowly as if he expects me not to be alone and comes into the room.

"Hey," he says. He looks a bit uncomfortable. "So everyone is wondering where you and Jace are because we are all cleaning up." He looks around the room and moves over to were I am sitting on the bed and sits next to me. "I thought Jace would be in here, considering he's not in his room or anywhere else."

"No no Jace isn't in here," I lie to Simon. I feel a pang of guilt about it but then I hear a quiet laughter coming from under the bed. Dammit why can't Jace just stay quiet for a bit. I look over at Simon to see if he noticed, but of course he noticed.

He looks me in the eye and raises his eye brow. "Oh really Fray, he's not in here?" he says. I just smirk knowing that I was caught.
He gets up and goes to look under the bed.

"Well good morning Hansom." I hear Jace say. Not knowing what to do now I get off the bed and join the two on the ground. They both look at me with a sense of satisfaction.

All of the sudden Isabella comes into the room. "I knew it!" she exclaims, looking from me to Jace. "You two slept together!" There are two different meanings in that one statement and both of them are correct. I look at Jace and find that he was already looking at me. I see the understanding in his eyes and we both start to laugh.

Simon looks at us like we are crazy and then say, "you two are perfect for each other." Then he gets up and moves so he is standing next to Izzy.

"Now get your butts of the ground and come out side to help!" Izzy yells at us, then stalks out of the room dragging Simon with her. She leaves the door open, allowing everyone who passes to look in.

"I guess we really do have to get up," I say as I put my head into my hands. Even the thought of me getting up is tiring.

Jace moves out from under the bed and closes the door. He grabs a pair of pants and puts them on. I watch him and then decide that if I get to watch him ever day for the next thousand years that would never be enough. I get up then too and walk over to were he is standing. I run my hands up his stomach and onto his chest and then kiss him slowly before retreating to the bathroom with my clothes. As I do so, Jace stares at me with a look of utter astonishment and love.

I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me, looking into the mirror that hangs down. my hair is all messy, every curl seems to have a new knot in it. My eyes look wide awake but my face seems to be a little flush from this mornings activities. I quickly glance away and strip off my shirt. Then I put on a new one and a pair of pants. I look at myself once more before leaving the bathroom.

I find Jace standing by the door, and when I reach him he grabs my hand on we walk into the crowded hall way, trying to avoid anyone who is carrying something.

When we get out Alec wants Jace to help him with something important, but before leaving me behind Jace turns to me and says "I have some very important to tell you once we are done." Then he trots off with Alec, leaving me standing there wondering where I should go.

"Clary?" Simon says. He has somehow gotten behind me. "Do you want to help me with some chairs?" he asks.

I nod, it's not like there is much left to do anyways. Might as well do some chairs.

Wait, I wonder what Jace meant when he said that he has to tell me something. Something important.


Hi y'all!
I hope you liked this chapter, it's kindof short but I promise the other ones are longer and probably better than this one .... I feel like this is more of an intro chapter into the whole rest of the book.
Okay so please keep reading and enjoy and vote and such.
<3 Emily

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