The Surprise

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"Why are chairs so heavy," Simon complains as we life the chairs to put then into the car. "I remember this being so easy before! Like I feel like I had some super power like Superman's strength and the Flash's speed or something."

"Well you sorta did," I say. It's still is hard to believe that he is here with me, after what happened in the demon dimension. "You know you could just start weight lifting and get real buff."

"Are you insulting my masculinity fray!" Simon exclaims. "I'm so hurt!" He says as he puts a hand over his heart, trying to hide his smile.

"You know it-" I begin but am cut off by Isabella coming over the hill.

"Simon! I need your help with something!" She yells to Simon. He glances at me and winks, then runs off to go help Izzy.

"Well goodbye to you too" I mumble to myself.

As I finish putting the chairs away in the car, I hear a weird noise coming from the other side of the car. It sounds as if something is trying to eat the metal on the car. What kind of animal would do that?

I start to walk around the car, trying to think of what it could possibly be when I hear Alec scream my name.

"Clary!" He screams. "Don't move!" I stop in my tracks thinking that the creature is a bear or something and if I moved then it would come running at me. Then I see Alec start to run down the hill with his bow, making me want to see what it is. I lean as far as I can without moving my feet to see what it is.

It's no bear at all but a creature that has spikes all over it. It turns and looks at me with dark beady eyes and grows, opening it's mouth to show 3 rows of sharp teeth. What kind of demon is this?

I reach for my weapon but then I realized I left it in the house. There is no way for me to protect myself if this thing lunges at me. I look around hoping to see where Alec might of gone, but he's no where. I hold the stare of the creature and try to back up slowly.

That's when it lunges at me. It opens it's mouth and is so close to me that it looks like a giant black hole with sharp teeth spiraling towards me, wanting to break and rip me apart.

I turn and start to run back to get a chair when I hear something whimpering behind me. I turn and no longer see a demon but a dog. a regular dog with an arrow in its back.

A dog.

No it's not a dog, it's a demon. I have to keep telling myself that. The demon must of taken shape as a dog, as it's "disguise". Then Alec comes around the corner of the car and stares at the dog.

"I swear it didn't look like that when I shoot it." He says. For some reason we all have a weird connection with dogs. There is just something about dogs that makes them so lovable.

"Yea I know." I say as we see it start to disappear, it's going back to its home dimension. "Let's go eat some stuff, I'm starving." I realize as my stomach starts to growl.

We walk back up to the house and find that an audience has been watching us. I don't pay any attention to them. I just walk right past and straight to the kitchen, knowing that they are following me.

"What were you thinking not warning me!" I hear Jace whisper to Alec. He's not as quiet as he thinks. "I was standing right beside you and you didn't tell me."

"I can take care of myself," Alec says.

"Well of course you can. But can you take care of others? Can you take care other people!" Jace argues. He sounds mad from his voice, but I don't want to turn around and interrupt their conversation.

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