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John's POV

(Later that day)

Sherlock hasn't come out of his room all day. It's almost time for dinner, although Sherlock doesn't usually eat at all.

I decided to order Chinese takeaway. "Sherlock what do you want to eat?" I ask, realizing quickly sherlock wasn't there next to me.

"Mrs.Hudson, do you want to go get some food?" I hear the deep voice say, as Sherlock steps out of his bedroom.

"I'm ordering Chinese takeaway Sherlock, we don't need to go out."

I say, hoping he won't ignore me.

"Mrs.Hudson?" sherlock shouts downstairs to her, "Do you want to get some food with me?"

"Sure! I'll be ready in a second!" I hear her shout back cheerfully.

I wait, expecting an invitation for dinner, but none comes. "Sherlock! I already told you I ordered food." I tell him.

No response. No movement from him.

I slam the landline back into the receiver, hanging up the phone, and stomp away.

Sherlock's POV

I sadly watch John stomp away. Your only friend thinks your a freak!

I think to myself. FREEEAK, FREEEAK, FREEEAK, FREEEAK. Chants over and over in my head, driving me mad.

"I'M NOT A FREAK!" I shout, then clamp my hand over my mouth, John defiantly heard me. I stifle a sob and run into my room, feeling as if a train has hit me.

Barriers (Sherlock)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora