Chapter Five: Liam

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No Song Of Chapter

Rose POV

Bastard. Evil Bastard.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I point, standing up. Everyone halts to a stop to watch us.

"What's going on Harry?" A blonde steps out from behind him. I hadn't seen her earlier. Her gentle voice with him is more than a friends voice. They are together.

"No the question is: What the hell are you doing here?" He spits.

"What's going on here? You two know each other?" Sandy comes to stand between us.

"This is the little bitch that stole my seat that I was telling you about earlier, Beth." Understanding fills her eyes and they land on me. I can't read her face, but she doesn't look happy to see me. Did he call me a bitch?

"This is the bastard who thinks he can claim seats." 

"Sandy don't tell me this is your roommate." He says to her. She nods her head slowly up and down. "Fuck. You can't hang out with us." He states like some damn ring leader.

"Harry." Beth pulls on his arm. She is definietly attractive, but in the cutie pie way that Sandy is.

"You are a damn prick, you know that?" I plop down on the chair with a purpose now. "I'm not going anywhere. "

"I don't fucking care what you have to say. You need to jet right fucking now." He takes a step forward.

I let out a loud 'ha', surprising not just them but also myself. I haven't laughed in months, but this shit is funny.

"She laughs." Niall pipes up.

"What the hell is so funny?" Harry sits directly across from me, challenging me even.

"It's funny that you think I actually give a rat's ass about anything you have to say."

"Guys." Sandy sighs.  "Harry this is my roommate so you mind as well get used to her." She points to him and he snorts. "Rose, this is one of my friends and if we're all going to hang out you have to except that." She points to me. My fucking mom walked away from me from the start, so I know damn well Sandy isn't her.

"Hold the hell up." I stand up again. "Don't pretend that he's not rude or that this is my fault! He started it!" I point to him. I look around and their are deffinietly a lot of stares. "What the hell are you looking at?" I yell to no one in particular. They all deffinitely turn around.

"I think Sandy was just trying to solve it, and now you're digging it up again." This Beth chick speaks. She looks so innocent that it annoys me. My blood is boiling.

"I don't think I was talking to you." I shoot her a death glare.  It works, causing her face to falter.

"Don't say shit to her." Harry stands again.

"Alright enough guys." Niall walks over. "Lets just play and have a good time." He walks over to Louis at the scoring computer. "Add everyone's name." Niall tells Louis. I sit down not breaking my glare from Harry. I hadn't realized that Liam was standing beside me. He takes a seat to my left while an irked Harry and Beth go for shoes.

"Are you alright?" Liam asks, sitting his elbows to his knees, hands cupping.

I let out a sigh. "Yeah, thanks." I pull my right knee to my chest. "Harolds a dick."

"Yeah." He chuckles. He takes his Timberlands off to put the ugly bowling shoes on.

"Why is he like that?"

"He's just....different." Liam stands. "Are you playing?"

"I might." I shrug.

"Want to go get some shoes?"

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