Chapter Nineteen: Surprise, Surprise

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Rose Pov

I have been working all week. All week. When I was not in class, I was at the diner. And now I have added a new trade under my belt; watching Monica's kids.

That day last week when she had to leave the diner for an emergency was the day that her babysitter up and moved out of town with her boyfriend. She literally left a voicemail on Monica's phone telling her that she was leaving her two year old son, Micheal and her four year old daughter, Kelly by themselves because her man was waiting for her. What a bitch.

Monica really needed the help, and I needed the extra cash. So when I get off at the diner, I meet Monica's mother at Monicas home to take over with the kids. I am watching them now. 

I have to say; the kids are pretty damn independent. They do not even bother me all of that much except Micheal when he has to go to the bathroom or Kelly when she has to take a nap. The girl does not like to sleep by herself. 

The kids are watching tv as I lie across their old couch. Monica lives in a small apartment big enough just for her and her kids. Not anyone else. Toys liter the living room floor and pictures of the chlidren decorate the walls in vintage frames. 

"Look Rose!" Kelly looks my way from her spot on the cream rug. "Bubble guppies is on!" That is definitely her favorite show. She jumps up with her black puff balled hair, and dances. She is adorable. 

"Nice, Kelly," I smile. I do actually like little kids. They are the best creatures among this earh to me. Innocent, naive, and pure they are. Too bad that most of them grow up to be complete fuck-ups, hence hence Rose Marie Sanders. 

As I lie on the couch I think  about Daught. He is proably at the gym right now, like he was basically all week. But, today he said he has a surprise for me and he is going to pick me up from here to show me. It is Saturaday which means that three days out of the pass week , I had to spend an hour with Harry. We usually just went to my dorm room so I could get a nap in while he watched tv. Daught was never there, always at the gym. I am not sure if I am grateful for that or not.

Harry has gotten better. I mean yes he is still mean but he does not seem cruel anymore. Even still, I feel as if Daught would not like him, or like him around me I should say. And as for Harry liking Daughnt? I am not sure. I guess I just don't know him well enough to know if he would like Daughnt. 


"Thanks for watching the kids for me Rose," Monica thanks as she walks me to her door. Her brown eyes look so tired and worn but they always have this optimistic spark in her eyes that out-weigh the exhaustion.  "They say they like you because you don't bother them like the other baby-sitter," she laughs.

"No probem," I shrug. She places two hundred dollars in my hand for the week. "Monica that's way too much for the week," I begin to give her some of it back.

"No, it's not. I feel like my kids are in great care with you and plus at daycare it would be way more than this." Say no more Monica; I need this damn money anyway.

I take the money and exit the apartment into the halls. Once I get outside Daughnt is waiting for me in his old blue jeep. 

"Hey," he greeted me with a smile once I sat in the passenger seat. 


"How was it?" He pulls out of the lot and onto the busy road.

"Good. So where are we going?" I ask as I sit back into the seat. Daughnt listens to a lot of Drake. He loves the dude. It reminds me of Zayn. He likes Drake too.

"It's a surprise jeez Rose," he laughs. Zayn took me to a flower shop as his surprise. Lets see where this man takes me next. 

"Fine," I mutter.

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