Chapter 15

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(Trigger warnings: Language and sexual content.)

(Missi's POV)

I didn't divulge anything more to Shannon than the therapy session went well. He dropped me off at home on his way to practice and I called Chelsea. I wanted to be sure I had somewhere to stay if Shannon wanted me gone after I told him about Jose.

'Oh Missi, you can't possibly think he's going to toss you out in the street. It was just a drunken kiss!' Chelsea shrieked.

'Not really Chels.'

'What do you mean?'

'Being in his arms again was like falling back in time. Nobody else was there in the room at that moment. I wanted to go back, to be in his bed again. No strings, no expectations.'

'No nothing Missi! Let me remind you of what that really was and how there were expectations on his part. He had no job, no money, no real skills to speak of except charm so he could lure women in to see what he could get from them. He was a user, and you being the naïve person you are fell for it. I doubt he'd have made his way into your heart if you hadn't seen something in him that reminded you of Shannon.'

'Los ojos hermosos.'

'What does that mean?'

'Beautiful eyes.'

'Beautiful eyes like whose Missi?'


'Exactly. I think what you were really hoping to fall into that night was someplace where there weren't any expectations of you, but that doesn't exist in reality. I think this might have something to do with the ceremony coming up.'

'You may be onto something.'

'Well of course I am. You don't call me the great wise one for kicks, do you?'


'Here's what great wise one advises. Get you butt up here and visit me before talking to Shannon. Give yourself a little space to breathe first.'

'I have a ceremony to plan.'

'You also have a planner and a bestie whose wedding was outdone only by royals if you recall correctly. She's at your service too and misses you dearly. When can I expect you?'

'Well, when you put it that way.' I chuckled.

'I didn't quite get that, what?' She joked.

'Tomorrow. I'll leave in the morning when Shannon goes to Jared's. That will give us one more night together in case that's what it ends up being.'

'That's more like it, but I think you're wrong about what Shannon's reaction will be. I'll smack you around when you get here. See you then.' She said and hung up.

I stared at my phone and Maggie jumped up on the couch beside me. She seemed to know when I needed her most and I wrapped my arms around her neck and cried. What would the perfect evening look like with Shannon? We'd had some notable ones for sure, but what would he want? What would I want if this was to be our last night together? All I wanted was him, and only him. But how would I make it special and could I keep my emotions under control knowing it might be our last encounter?

(Shannon's POV)

We were just finishing a set when my phone lit up. I tapped it to see who it was.

'When are you coming home?' Missi's text read and I smiled.

It vibrated again, and the attachment made my tongue glide incessantly over my lips.

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