I Like Me Better

603 39 14

Oh Sehun

It was simply just another night where Sehun found himself walking out of his room in the middle of the night to get a drink. It's one of those nights where he couldn't confine himself in the hotel room whenever he went back to New York every few months due to his work. Although his time in New York had always been a week or so each time and his schedule packed up that he didn't have much free time to explore the city, he will always find time to slip out at midnight. Much like a reverse Cinderella or something of sorts.

As he walked down the still crowded streets, he took in the view of the nightlife of New York—the city that never sleeps and is always bustling with people. It still amazes him how activities seemed to never cease. 

Sehun decided to walk the long way to the bar he usually heads off to during his midnight adventure escapes. Passing by shop lots, he saw some were still open to cater for those who had their daytime stuck at work. Some would think that late night shopping would equate with lesser people, but the view in front of him didn't seem like people were shopping at night. The hustle and bustle of the stores looked similar to what it would be during the day.

Turning his sight to the road, vehicles still fill up the streets and all of them filled with souls with different destinations and on this street would probably be the only time they all crossed paths with each other. And Sehun thought the same goes for him. The people he passed by, the faces he saw at a glance, the few lines of conversations he overheard, all the pieces of others are now part of his story as small fragments of memories, which he would remember as bigger scenes—his nights in New York.

His admiration deepens the more his mind falls into the city's trance and soon enough he found himself stopping in front of a 24-hour coffee shop. Slightly smiling to himself as a thought came to mind, he shrugged his shoulders and decided to be a bit adventurous for a change. Good for him the shop also offered alcoholic drinks at night alongside their usual coffee shop menu.

Finding himself a table next to the glass window, he was soon greeted with one of the staff with a menu. Skimming through quickly, he closed the menu and returned it to the staff, "I'll simply take whatever you recommend." 

The staff nodded with a smile and returned to finish up Sehun's order. Continuing to stare into the street as his mind wandered about thinking of what a different sight it was compared to Seoul. The concept of bustling metropolitan cities are the same, people travel from one point to another is what everyone does and the expected traffic is what both cities experience. However, he felt the distinct tones that set apart one city to the other.

His travelling mind return as his drink arrived. Enjoying his drink, he was soon greeted by a lady, asking if she could share a table with him because all other tables were taken and seats filled. Warmly accepting her presence, the staff came to collect her order.

Sehun went back to his thoughts while sipping on his drink, slowly letting the alcohol sweep through his body. After what seemed like a few minutes of silence between them, she initiated a conversation while mixing her coffee, "So, staying up late as well huh?"

Turning to her, Sehun let out a giggle, "Yeah, it's like a routine of mine everytime I come back here. What about you? Just finished working the extra hours?"

Shaking her head, "Nope. I just got here a few hours ago and I couldn't sleep. So, I just decided to see how the nightlife it is here. And I got to say, New York has one of the best night sceneries from all the places I've been to."

Sparking up his interest, Sehun began to ask where else she had been and without hesitation, she answered joyfully. The more they talked, the more they grew comfortable with each other, the more stories they shared of their travels. With Sehun talking about the bars he went to at night at the cities he went to and with her expressing her love of the scenic views of famous tourist spots she had visited.

Even taking out their phones and sharing the pictures they took, seconds turned to minutes and the dark night slowly turned brighter with the sun slowly bidding hello.

"I can't believe we've been talking for hours," she said as they turned to look outside where they both could see employees commuting to work and students heading to school.

"And we still haven't finished our drinks," Sehun pointed out to their glasses, which still contained half of their original content. 

Raising his hand, Sehun called out for the staff to make his payment. Coming to the table, the staff gave him the bill and Sehun placed money more than enough to cover for his drink and also hers, "I'm paying for the both of us."

"Why would you pay for my drink?" she asked her expression shocked and questioning. "That's the least I could do for the priceless stories and pictures you shared with me," Sehun sent her a warm smile, which she returned.

Receiving his change, Sehun pushed the money into his pocket. All the while, she swung her bag and stood up. Bidding her thanks, she slowly made her way to the door. Without hesitation, Sehun rushed up and followed her, soon walking next to her.

"You know, I've spent so many nights in New York but tonight had been different. I've always been drawn into the embrace of the city while being drunk of the different drinks I've tried. But I felt more than that during the time I spent with you," Sehun spoke, his heart pounding at the idea of confessing to someone he only knew for a few hours.

"What I'm saying is that I like how I feel myself drowning in the vibe of the city with you. It's a whole better experience," he confesses, carving up a smile on her face. She felt her heart beat fast with the confession from someone that fitted her image of an ideal partner. Replying, "It's funny that I've always thought that falling for someone as we both talk while being enveloped in the vibe of a renown city."

Chuckling at her response, he knew they both were on the same page. He knew the warmth he felt the first few minutes they started talking about their travels was his heart accepting the joy in her voice. The radiating spirit she had had him drunk and wanting more of her story. Her presence made him feel like he was on a caffeine rush and he loved it.

I like me better when I'm with you.❞

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