Chapter Two

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Louis sighed as he glanced over at Harry from his spot on the couch. It was winter time in their home about twenty minutes outside of London so it wasn't too bad. He huffed a bit and pushed himself up from the couch and walked around the house. It was a nice two story colonial in the middle of their neighborhood. They had gotten it mainly for two reasons, one because it was out of the big city life, and two; they needed a change. After a while of aimlessly walking around he padded back to the couch and sat on his lap.

"Harry?" He murmured, shifting his weight to look at him with a soft pout. He always seemed to be pouting at Harry these days, he was always going out not that he had too much of a choice and Louis .

"Yeah, Lou?" He had replied, turning the volume on the telly down.

"Can we go out tonight? Please?" He asked, fiddling with the sleeve of his too big sweater. He watched his fiance closely, watching the way he mentally debated it. His eyebrows furrowing together.

"Why? Are you bored?" Harry decided on asking, pushing Louis' hair back slightly.

"Yes, Harry. I'm bored. All I ever do is sit around this damned house now since the tour is done and over with. I want to go on a date, with my fiance, do I really need that much of a reason?" He said, standing up off of his lap.

Harry put up his hands in slight defense. "No, okay, I'll take you out to dinner alright? Then we can go to that club that you love so much?" He said, watching Louis closely for a moment. For a while now he had been noticing Louis' mood changes, his anxiousness. It was beyond frustrating since Harry just didn't know what to do to make him happy. Which is all he really ever wnated to do.

Louis gave Harry a soft smile, wrapping his arms around him tightly. "Thank you!" He said excitedly, giving him a quick kiss before running up the stairs and into their bedroom to change into better clothes to be out in public in. This would probably only be the tenth or eleventh time that him and Harry have been out since they came out of the closet which is about as long as they have been engaged and that's been well over a year by now. He pulled on a pair of skinny jeands and one of Harry's shirts before jogging down the stairs. "I'm ready," He grinned, glancing up at Harry who was grabbing his wallet and car keys pocketing the items in the back of his jeans.

"Then let's get this show on the road," He grinned, taking Louis' hand in his and led him out to the car.

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