Midnight Pt.1

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Word count: 1035


"Hey Potter" I snarled as he walked by. I watched him keep walking straight past me, until he turned around and winked at me.

I- but- surely that was a joke. I look down. "Oh shit," I whisper. Pansy looks at me with curiosity. "You alright, Draco?" I nod my head yes, even though that was a lie. We continued walking to our first class of the day... and you'll never guess who was in there with me. Harry Potter will be the death of me I swear to Salazar...

(Time skip to lunch)

Harry isn't sitting in his normal seat, he is sitting so he can look straight at me. Good lord, why is he acting like this? I'm not mad though... it's kind of h-. NO! This isn't going to be a thing.

I kind of just lose myself during lunch. I can't keep up a conversation, I just keep looking at him. Why am I feeling this way all of a sudden? Yeah, I'm gay everybody knows that, and yeah I've had a crush on Harry since 2nd year, but this is really the first time I've thought of him as hot. I really liked him because of how sweet he is... well not to me, obviously, but sweet.

"Draco, are you sure you're okay?" Pansy bugged. "I said I'm fine now will you leave me the fuck alone." I almost scream, not even looking in her direction.

Harry is standing up. Why is he getting up? Lunch is far from over. I think he could see I was watching his every move because he shot me this look that screamed 'follow me.'

I got up and walked out without saying a word. I could feel my friends staring at me from behind.  I didn't really care I just walked to Harry who was not outside the door when I stepped out.

I creeped around near the door and I got pulled into a closet. A hand covered my mouth so I wouldn't make a sound.

^^Got this part from @le_smut

This feeling of being held is nice. I don't even need to turn around to know who is in this tight space with me. If this IS Harry, what could he possibly want?

I remove his hand from my mouth. I turn around and look at him, exactly who I thought he was, and exclaimed "Potter! What the fuck?" He hung his head for a second then looked me right in the eyes.

"Hey Draco," I love when he calls me by my first name, "sorry this is a weird spot but I couldn't wait till after lunch to ask you this." He pulls me in closer. "Why have you been eye-fucking me all lunch?"

I try to deny it even though I know damn well I was. "I- I don't know what you're talking about, Potter." I emphasized the P very much. He sighs "Draco," god I want him to repeat my name until his mouth gets tired, "I can tell when someone wants me." I bite my lip. "Well..." I catch myself playing with his tie. "I might want you a little bit."

I stop messing with his tie and back up a little. "You would never be into me though. You're straight." He pulls me back in and whispers in my ear. "How do you know I'm not Bi?" Oh shit. Could he be into me? He is my enemy that can't be. I thought to myself knowing that he was flirting with me.

He grabs my waist and pulls me as close as we can get. Fuck. I don't want him to let go of me. Being in his arms is lik- NO! He puts one hand on my cheek and leans closer to me. He is going in for a kiss. Harry James Potter is going to kiss me. I pull away. What if this is some sort of stupid prank?

"What's wrong Draco?" He questions with pain in his eyes. Not a prank unless he is a really good actor. His hand slides from my waist to inside my shirt. "Do you not actually want me?" I don't know how to react to that. "Harry, we can't do this here, not now." "Oh so you do still want me. Good." I ran my fingers through his hair. It's so soft and his curls are so perfect.

The lunch bell rang and we got out of that closet as soon as possible so we didn't get caught. "Draco," I blush because of the way he says my name. "meet me at midnight in the ROR." I stroke his thigh as we merge into the crowd.

I try to avoid my friends because I know they will ask questions and I'm not in the mood for that. I want it to be midnight already. I don't know what he plans on us doing, but I'm still very excited. I look down to see that I'm a little TOO excited.

I run to my next class because it has Harry in it. Then I realized I have a problem that I have to deal with before then. 5 minuets of my passing period to get off to Harry Potter? Seems reasonable.

I go into the stall and make sure no time is wasted. When I finish myself off I get to class. I walk into the room and he isn't there. I sit in a seat where nobody else was.

Harry walks in as the late bell rings and he sits right next to me. I can already tell were this is going to go.

"Today we are going to be in partners," great "you will pair up with whoever is sitting next to you." Harry put his hand on my thigh. I squirm. He moves it up and hits a sweet spot. I moan. I try to cough to cover that up but it didn't work very well. He noticed my reaction and kept going up and up. We looked each other straight in the eyes. To say I was hard would be an understatement.

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