Chapter 1: Why Did It Have To Be You?

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*Sylas is texting me*

"Sylas..." I sigh. I turn on my music and pop my headphones on. It was Monday before school and Sylas wanted to grab coffee before we hit school. " Why does it have to be so cold..." I snuggled down into my fuzzy coat and tried to warm up my hands with my breath. I looked down at my phone to change the music I was listening to but then I get bumped and I trip backwards onto hard ice. " Ouch!" I yelped out in pain and whimpered. Then a hand came down in front of my face. "Sorry, let me help you! I wasn't watching where I was going." I heard a male voice speak. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I took my headphones off and placed them around my neck and my phone in my pocket. I looked up to see who it was that helped me off my hurting backside. " YOU?!" The male and myself both said at the same time. " TRENT?!" I said realizing it was him. "EMILY?!" He sounded disgusted.  Just then I ripped my hand away from his and started to run. Little did I know my phone slipped out of my pocket and fell on the ice. I ran the whole way to the coffee shop where I was meeting Sylas.


I stood there and watched Emily run away. I saw something fall out of her pocket so I bent down and picked it up. " Her phone?" I looked at the screen and saw that she had music playing.            " That must have been why she ran into me the clutz." I said out loud.  I looked at the band playing, it was Monster by Skillet... its the same band I listen to... I have something in common with that loser?! I looked at the screen again and then looked the direction Emily ran. " We have a few classes together... I'll give it to her then..." I started walking again...


" MY PHONE IS GONE!" I tried to turn on my music again and realized my phone wasn't in my pocket! Sylas looked at me like I was crazy. "Sylas! I lost my phone! My parents are going to kill me! LITERALLY!" I spoke with concern in my voice. " We have at least a half an hour before school. Lets go look for it!" Sylas tried to calm me down. We went out and looked for my phone but it was no where to be seen... I got a thought in my head and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. Did Trent see me drop my phone?... Well there is only one way to find out! I'll have to talk... to Trent....


Welp, that's it for the first chapter :] BYE!

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