Ch. 1

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It was my first day of high school. My first day of going to school in Liverpool. My first day of going to school in England. My name is Cinnie Stewart, and I am 14 years old. I was born in 1940 in New York City, but over the summer, my family and I had moved to Liverpool, England. Why? Simply because all of my family is living here. My father is of English descent, and my mother of Irish, but they both grew up in Liverpool. The particular town we moved to was Dingle, which was quite comparable to NYC, in terms of business. As much as I protested to moving, I of course would lose in the end. So after spending my first 14 years of life making many friends and having a great life, I would have to pack it all up and leave, which is what I did. Let me just say that it totally sucked.

So after tripping on the steps outside of the school entrance, I knew I'd have a rough start. Followed by constantly being knocked into, and then eventually my books being knocked over. If my life was a movie, this would be such a cliché moment. However, there was not a super cute boy who had come to my rescue. I mumbled a few swears under my breath as I collected my things. I looked down at my schedule and had saw that I had Mathematics first in room 208. I smiled, oddly, but just at the fact that I loved math a lot, and was naturally really good at it. Since the room number was 208, I figured it had to be on the second floor. We had 10 minutes before our first class started, and I noticed that most people were in little, or giant, groups, laughing with their friends, probably talking about their summers. Since I had no friends, I figured I'd go to class and maybe doodle in my notebook. I made my way to the second floor, found room 208 (thank goodness), and as soon as I walked in, I noticed that there was only one other person in there. He met eyes with me as soon as I noticed him, and they followed me up until I sat to the seat closest to the window, which was a seat away from him. I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, so I spoke up.

"Can I help you?"

"I don't know...CAN you?" he grinned, but it wasn't a stuck-up kind of smile. It was sort of heartwarming, like he genuinely was trying to be funny. I could tell that he was just a goofy kind of guy. I knew I couldn't make a sarcastic remark back at him, so I figured I'd just play along.

"Okay...MAY I?" I smiled back at him.

"I've just...I don't think I've ever seen you around before. I've been trying to figure out if you seem familiar, but alas, you don't." he stopped smiling, and shifted awkwardly in his seat. I figured he must've felt embarrassed, so I tried lightening the mood.

"Oh, so you weren't staring at me because I'm pretty?" I batted my eyes and frowned. This oughta get him.

This seemed to have taken him by surprise, his eyes widening a little bit. "Oh, no! I mean, you are pretty. Very pretty. A lovely looking lady. And uh...I...I think I should stop talking." He stopped looking at me, and turned back, facing the front of the room.

"Wait! At least tell me your name."

"It's Richard. Richard Starkey."

"Dontcha mean STALKY?"

Richard and I both turned our attention to the voice. He had just walked in, just in time to butt in and make a rather rude remark.

"Piss off, Donald." Richard said angrily, ready to get up and attack the kid, but not before I was able to stop him by reaching over to him and placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Aw mate, you've got a little bodyguard. I'd watch out if I were you, girl." Donald sneered, and sat down in the front row, just a few seats in front of us.

"Excuse you, but my name is Cinnie. Not 'girl'."

"Cinnie, eh? Sounds like a grandmothers name." Donald snickered.

"Well don't you worry then, because in plenty of years time, I'm sure I will be one. Glad to know I'm prepared with my name!"

Donald, unable to think of a good comeback, simply snorted and turned back around, seeming defeated. At this point, there had been other people who walked in, who I noticed gave me odd looks, and whispered things to each other.

"I guess this is what happens when you're new." I sulked back into my seat.

"No wonder I've never seen ya! Where are you from?" Richard gave another heartwarming and delightful smile.

"New York City. I just moved here over the summer."

"Wow, what a big move. What brought you here?"

"Family. Nothing exciting."

"Well, that's interesting." You would think that Richard was not caring at all about this conversation, but I assure you that he was into it more than I was. "Cinnie, since, no offence, you have no friends, I was wondering if you'd maybe want to have lunch with me today? What do you have before it?"

"Uh, sure, Richard! I have History."

"Room 101?"


"How nice, so do I! We can walk together."

"That sounds really nice." I smiled at Richard, whose smile hasn't broken since he asked where I was from.

"Well, time for Hell." Richard said as the warning bell rang, and the last few kids walked into class, followed by the teacher.

"You don't like math?"

"It's more like math doesn't like me." Richard shrugged and turned to the front of the room.

"Interesting..." I whispered.

"Aw, Richard Stalky has a date!" I heard a girl two seats ahead of me say to her friend next to her. I simply rolled my eyes. Bitches.

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