Ch. 3

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The rest of the day ran pretty smoothly. You know, besides the constant whispers and rumours beginning to spread about me. One of my teachers after class even mentioned it to me.

"You're the one who's befriended Richard?" Mr. Maxwell asked.

"Yes. I know I'm his only friend." I glanced at the clock, hoping to meet Richard along the way to science.

"Just take care of him. The kid's been through a lot. I could tell he needs someone like you."

Someone like me? I've known this guy for a block of time and he can already tell how I am? Maybe he's heard about my confrontation with Donald. Who even knows.

Having science with Richard is going to be the absolute best, I just know it. Our teacher placed us alphabetically, and since his last name is Starkey, and mine is Stewart, we ended up next to each other. Basically, the whole class period was our teacher explaining what we'd be doing in the curriculum, and asked us how our first day was.

"How was yours, Richard?" Ms. Prudence asked.

"It was great. I met my best friend." He smiled and looked at me.

"Sweet. And yours, Cinnie?"

"I met mine too." I looked back at Richard. I heard snickers and I'm pretty sure someone said "aw."

After class, Richard and I embarked on our journey to home. Along the way, we talked about what happened in the classes we didn't have together, and then he tried coming up on ideas to get back at Donald.

"I don't think any of this is necessary, Richard. Karma is just going to get him back." I shook my head.

"We have to do something! I can't let him get away with how he's treated you!" Richard stopped walking and stopped me with him by grabbing one shoulder and turning me to face him.

"I don't want anymore trouble. The next time he says something, I'll use my wit to get back at him. If I can't think of anything, I'll just laugh. Simple as that. We already have some people on our side." I turned back around and started walking. I was hungry, and as much as I love Richard, food was my priority.

"Wait! I'm...worried." Richard huffed as he caught up.

"About what?"

"What if he says something to me, and I punch him again, but this time I get caught by a teacher?"

"Simple: don't punch him."

"What if I can't help it?" I couldn't think of an answer to this right away, but then the perfect question came to mind.

"Richard, would you do anything for me?" This seemed to have caught him off guard.

"Of course."

"Then never hit him again."

"But, what if-"


"...I promise." Richard was so reluctant to say this, and I felt bad for being so controlling but I didn't want anything worse to happen to Richard's reputation.

Soon enough, we were on Penny Lane, our houses in sight.

"That's mine with the blue shingles." Richard pointed.

"It's lovely." I smiled. Several feet later, we were now at the end of his driveway.

" you want to hang out? I'm assuming you don't have any schoolwork, at least I don't."

"My parents won't get home from work until around 06:30, and since I hate staying home alone...sure." I saw Richard's eyes light up brighter than they ever have.

"Amazing. Well, right this way." Richard held out his arm, which I linked mine into, and he escorted me up the driveway, to the front door, into his house. "MUM, ARE YOU HOME?" I giggled at this. "What?" Richard chuckled.

"Mum..." Coming from "mom-land", I still haven't gotten use to this English terminology.

"Yes, Rich-oh, hello." Richard's "mum" stopped as she exited the kitchen, wiping her hands with a towel, and smiled at me. "Who's this?"

"This is Cinnie. She lives two doors down. She just moved here from New York. She's my best friend."

"Hi." I waved. Richard's mum looked overjoyed. She was probably so excited that Richard finally had a friend.

"Mum, is it alright if we-"

"Sure, go right ahead, I trust that you won't do anything!" She squealed a little at the end. I assumed Richard was going to ask about the bedroom, and my assumption was correct. His bedroom was small, but cozy, which was so opposite from mine, since mine is big but empty from me hardly unpacking anything. I saw in the corner of his room a small desk with a few notebooks and a small turntable. I walked over to his desk and got a closer look. On the cover of one of the notebooks, it said "Nothing Useful."

"What's this?" I said, picking up the notebook.

"Oh that..." Richard said nonchalantly, walked over, and took the notebook from me. "It's 'Nothing Useful,'" he chuckled.

"Well...yea, that's what it says on the cover but what-"

"Relax, Cin. It's my journal." Richard sat down on the bed and opened it up, picking up a pen with his free hand, about to write something down when he looks back up. "I'm sorry. I should be focusing on you."

"No, it's fine. Do what you want, it's your room." I sat down on his desk chair. I noticed how he eloquently he was writing, only taking a break for the occasional shake of his hand. I also noticed that he was left handed.

"Well, that's enough for now." Richard closed his journal and left it on his bed.

"You like writing, don't you?"

"Just my feelings. I can't really write that well. I'm sure if you read any of it you wouldn't even know what I was saying."

"Well, I'm sure I could decipher something..." I chuckled, but Richard didn't seem too happy. He actually looked sort of sad. "Is something the matter? Did I say something to offend you? I didn't mean to if I did." I spoke quietly. I feel like I hurt his feelings. Maybe he really can't write well.

"It's's not you. It's me. I'm literally stupid and you've decided for me to be your first friend here. I don't understand."

I sat down next to Richard on the bed, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Listen..." I then turned his head to face me. "Being book smart doesn't matter to me. You speak perfectly fine, and you are a kind gentleman. That's all that's important." I smiled, then Richard smiled back. He seemed hesitant at first, but then he leaned in and hugged me. His embrace was so gentle but it was meaningful. As we pulled away, he began to slightly caress one of my cheeks, and kissed the other. I felt myself turning red.

"I...I'm sorry." Richard looked away. I could tell he thought he made me uncomfortable.

"Please, don't be." I said softly. He looked back at me, his eyes looking sadder than normal. I kissed his cheek to assure him that it was okay, and his eyes instantly lit up.

I love my best friend.

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