Kyoya x cold! Reader

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I caught my bey in my hand as the challenger fell to his knees. I had completely demolished his bey when he challenged me and kept my title of (city)'s Queen of Beyblade. No one in town could beat me and I had grown cold to their tears after I defeated them.

"Why?! Why did I lose?" John, I think his name was, wailed.

"The weight was unevenly distributed and the tip was poorly chosen. An attack performance tip can't hold the weight of the rest of the bey so it spun slower than it should have. My recommendation is for you to go home, disassemble your bey, and choose lighter parts for it." I turned my back on the challenger and headed home.

As I walked, I looked at the bloody sun and the orange glow the sky reflected back to my eyes.
'I need a challenge.' I sigh,' someone who might actually know their stuff and will pose difficult for me to defeat. No one in this town can give me that. Maybe I should go abroad...'

I sigh again as I reach my home and walk up the steps to the door, unlocking it. I step in and immediately, something felt wrong. The air was thick with fear and the hairs on the back of my neck rose. I sneak to my room and grab the handgun I kept by the headboard. Checking for the ammo, I listen to the silence until a crash breaks it.

'Crap, someone's trying to rob me! Key word, trying.' I step lightly into the kitchen where I see a robber knocking stuff over.
'Amateur, no one robs a house and knocks things over unless they want to wear the cuffs.'

I continue to examine the apparent male until he turns and by the eye-widening, I guess he spotted me.
'Well, crap' I ducked the knife he slashed at me and kicked his legs out from under him. I swiftly pin him down and knock him out with a head butt.

I heard my door crash open and looked up in time to see wild, green hair and azure eyes meet my (e/c) ones. The boy ran over," hey, what happened? I heard crashes and ran over to check it out. Who is that guy?"

"Oh, he was trying to rob me and I knocked him out just now. Watch him while I get the police."

A few minutes later, the robber was identified as John, the guy I defeated, and was taken away to serve his time. Turns out, he was after my bey in order to destroy it.

"Hey, my name's Kyoya Tatagami, in case you were wondering. What's yours?"

"(Y/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you, I guess. Well, maybe not under the conditions we met in."

He chuckled," true. Hey, how about I take you out to eat and we get to know each other a bit more?"

"I'd like that. Tomorrow, noon, my place?"

"I'll be here."

"And that, children, is how I met your father"

"When'd you kiss?" Lucy asked.

"He stole one right before he left."

"And right now." My husband pressed his lips to mine before running to the kitchen, laughing.


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