Tsubasa x reader: A Rainy Encounter

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Your fingers gently tap against your leg as you wait impatiently for your order. The restaurant you were at was busy today, much busier than it usually was. The waitstaff was running everywhere and you were sure their feet must have been burning in the shoes all employees were required to wear. Steps quickly rushed over to you and you looked up from your laptop to a  slightly out of breath male.

"Can my friends and I borrow this chair?"

You nod and smile as he sighed in relief, grabbing the chair and lifting it away from its spot at your table. You heard quiet cheers after a minute and smiled, continuing to write the novel you had not planned out at all. It was about as long as a few of the narrative essays you would have to write during your high school years. In other words, it was a respectable length and anyone who read it would probably ask you where your life had gone.

A waitress brought over your drink and you gave her a decent tip for the trouble. The screen had you captivated as your fingers tapped the keys on the keyboard in quick succession, bringing your creation to life. A monster to many, but to the few, it was an escape. The horror novel started out with the point of view from a little boy growing up in the ruins of what used to be Los Angeles. His world was desolate with only a few survivors and none willing to talk about the cataclysmic disaster that had occurred before his birth. With his parents gone, these survivors were all he had and the only way he could find out what had happened all those years ago. I had the idea to twist the story so at the end, the reader would see that the 'survivors' were ghosts haunting their deathbed and the little boy was the only one who had lived through it, if only halfway. His mind had been split and half of it was dead, communicating with the dead, and the other was living, seeing the world for what it was: a hellhole.

You grinned a manic grin and your hands busied themselves with sewing words into sentences and the sentences into paragraphs. You could revise and edit later after a week or so on the next obsession. The sun glared into your eyes and you turned on the bench's seat to block it, and coincidently face the group that had stolen your seat. It was a strange entourage, all with different colored hair and seemingly different auras. A few gave off excited energy and you could feel yourself smile as you watched them. One gave off a calm, collected aura and there were others I won't bother to name.
Your eyes landed on a male seemingly around my age, maybe a little older, and locked on. He was smiling and watching his friends gave fun, and although he wasn't participating, he seemed content to simply watch. You tilted your head.
Strange, that someone would be content with just watching but hey, as long as he's fine with it, you suppose it was legal.
A boom of thunder shot you out of your unintentional staring session and you looked out the window to see grey clouds looming over the city.
You whispered and quickly packed up. You had to get home before it started raining so your laptop wouldn't break from waterlog.
You bolt out of the cafe, unaware of the pair of eyes watching you curiously. They glance up at the sky before bidding farewell to the others and following the panicked person.
Unfortunately for our dear reader, the rain decided to ruin their day and come down earlier than they expected.
"Fuck fuckfuckfuck FUCK WHY?!" You were soaked to the bone and quite upset as you hid your vulnerable computer inside your coat as if it would help. Your body shivered and you could just see the sign of a building, an arena if you were right, causing your feet to change direction and bolt for the shelter. Luckily, nobody was inside and you were able to stand on the doormat and shiver in peace.
For five minutes.
Yelling and cheering caused you to raise your head and you looked around quickly for an escape, darting for the locker room just as the group from the café came out of the arena. One noticed your shoe disappear behind the door right before it swung shut to hide its occupant from view. He silently slipped away from his friends to investigate and passed through the door.
His sharp, golden eyes gazed around until a sound alerted him to someone's presence to his right and behind a group of lockers. The boy followed the sound and soon found our reader soaked, shivering, and desperately trying to turn on their computer.
He sat down next to you and watched as the screen blazed to life before passing into darkness once again.
You nearly screeched, not expecting a voice, much less right next to you, and jumped away. Your eyes widen," you're the guy from the café! What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same thing. I wasn't expecting someone to come here in this weather. And my friends and I are bladers. We were practicing for an upcoming competition and the rain provided the perfect deterrent."
"I was going home and got caught in that rain so I ran into the nearest building. It just happened to be this one."
He nods and stands up, offering you a hand," I'm about to head out with my friends if you want to come along. We have a driver who won't mind helping you out."
"But I'm soaked! I'll ruin his seat!"
"It's no problem. I'll dry it after we get back. What do you say? Want a ride?"
You think about it for a moment before taking his hand and letting him lead you out to meet up with his friends. The driver gives you a towel to wrap yourself in and you end up sitting shyly between this silver hearted boy and his small, yellow headed friend. The kids left you alone for the most part and you could feel yourself relax in their presence. You didn't even notice the caring golden eyes watching you or the way his hand twitched, as if to embrace yours.

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