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(about a week later)

The voices in Namjoon's head were back.

Well, they were always there, but before they were whispering in the back of his mind.

Now, they were practically screaming.

You won't survive.

They're coming for you, Namjoon.

You're not safe.

If you cut, you'll be safer...

Namjoon groaned and covered his ears.

As if that was going to help at all.

Do it, it won't hurt anyone besides you.

And you like getting hurt.

Don't you?

Namjoon looked through the bathroom drawer.

He knew that there was one blade that Jin had forgotten to throw away.

He found it.

The familiar metal object.

The blade that used to be his best friend.

He was succumbing to it once more.


Jin: hiiiii

Jin: namjoon?

Jin: ya there?

Jin: namjoon????

Jin: is something wrong? you aren't even reading my messages...

Ten Minutes Later

Jin: ok... i'm starting to get worried....

Jin: Namjoon?

Jin: i'm coming over to see if you're okay...


Jin practically ran up to Namjoon's apartment.

From outside the door, he could here what sounded like Namjoon trying to fight off Yoongi.

Jin opened the door and ran inside.

He walked up to Namjoon and tried to calm him.

Jin put his hands on Namjoon's shoulders and started talking to him.

"Hey... You need to try and relax okay?"

"Deep breaths, good job."

After Jin finally got Namjoon to relax, he decided to talk to Yoongi to ask what exactly happened.

"I don't really know... I found him cutting in the bathroom and yeah... I took the blade away from him and he just lashed out at me."

Jin sighed. "You're okay, right?"

"Oh, yeah... This has happened a few times before."

"Sorry for not coming sooner."

Yoongi waved him off, telling him not to worry about it "Don't worry about me, I think he's the one you need to worry about."

Then Yoongi walked out of the apartment, leaving them alone.

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