The First Story

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I'm hit! I'm hit! I said falling to my knees.
The mud bubbled and laughed as I whole faced the mud.
I tried to push my almost lifeless body off the ground to breathe.
The shrapnel cloud hit , smirking in victory.
Falling , whole faced in the mud once again.

In continuous pain , the mud turned more red.
More bullets fluttered in happiness around me, twisting my body to face the sky.
Then shouting " O-Mother--Mother , --Dad, I'm sorry."
Gas hissed and grinned as it entered my lungs.

The thick green sea of smoke filled my lungs , burning me from the inside out.
Gasping for air , soldiers stare in disbelief , as I lay on the floor almost lifeless.

The gas giggled inside of my lungs and dancing around in laughter.
"AGH" screaming in pain. The bayonet giggled, showing his teeth.
The gas eating me from the inside out and bleeding out on the ground.
I lost didn't I , but no one else really did right? War is a lost for everyone even the ones not going into the trenches.

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