xxix. TUMBLR

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I'm answering asks tonight my dudes, so start sending them in
[tags: #jo answers]


anonymous asked:
okay, I'm gonna start with the obvious. what's the deal with you and Cameron Monaghan?

Well, to put it simply, Cameron and I are currently dating. We're going steady, and seeing where our feelings take us. Is that answer okay? I don't know, seems kinda lame.
[#jo answers  #elephant in the room addressed  #cameron monaghan  #yes I am dating him]

anonymous asked:
how did u and cam get together?

well, I won't release all the details. but, uh, basically, we found out we liked each other and went from there. there was a bit of chaos with my phone not working when I tried to tell him, but thankfully my best but Katelyn Nacon was there to help. she's the heroine of the story
[#jo answers  #thank god for katelyn  #i think i know where most of these questions are going]

anonymous asked:
how would you feel about potentially returning to Gotham?

OH MY GOD I WOULD LOVE TO. and I swear not just to work with Cam again lmao
[#jo answers  #bring back silver  #return of silver st cloud  #gotham]

anonymous asked:
how could your character of silver in gotham be developed for further storylines if she was to return?

ooooooooh good one. I'd like to see her more like the comic book version of herself. maybe a lot more manipulative for her own gain, some more interaction with other characters. just imagine a big bad silver facing off with selina in the next season? or perhaps silver and jerome take over the world???

but no, I'd love to see her become more of her own person. last time we saw her, she was being molded by her uncle to do what he wanted. I think it would be interesting to see what she'd do for herself. and maybe show her true colors a little more.
[#jo answers  #silver st cloud  #bring back silver  #gotham  #jerome vakeska]

anonymous asked:

Aw thank you! AND YES! BRING BACK #thepowerofthegay
[#jo answers  #thepowerofthegay  #lorelei raleigh  #enid rhee  #lorelei x enid]

anonymous asked:
please don't feel you have to answer this, I'm just quite curious. you've never really spoken about your sexuality, and I was just wondering what you identify as? especially since you manage to play gay characters so flawlessly.

sometimes I forget that I haven't explicitly told the public about my sexuality, so I'm happy you've asked. it means a lot of people are getting an answer to their question.

while I'm not overly fond on labels (in my opinion, they should stay on bottles lmao), and feel that people shouldn't have to justify who they fall in love with, I do myself identify as bisexual. which means, yes, I like boys AND girls.

I have had female partners in the past (I make it sound like it was years ago, but we broke up last year), and unlike some i do not see much of a difference between dating each gender. to me, if I fall in love, that's it. it doesn't feel different depending on your partner's gender. well, apart from that girlfriend I had when I was thirteen and it was secret because I wasn't out yet. that felt different because I felt rebellious.

but yeah, I'm bi! which is great bc have you seen the bi pride flag? It is so goddAMN PRETTY!!!

but yeah, I'm bi! which is great bc have you seen the bi pride flag? It is so goddAMN PRETTY!!!

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[#jo answers  #whoop  #I'm gay  #well no I'm bi  #bi pride]

anonymous asked:
having seen your answer to your last ask, I was wondering how you came out to your friends and family?

Ha. Oh my god. What a day.

When I came out to my family, I intended for it all to be really serious. I sat everybody down, and said I had something to tell them. That was when my little sister, without looking up from her teddy bear, said "is it that you like girls?"

My mom was shocked, had no idea. She didn't pick up on the hints I had been dropping for months. My dad said, "Is that all this is? God, I already knew that."

That was when my mom freaked out more. She was all like, "You knew?!"

And then my dad went, "Well, yeah. It was obvious."

My mom was very annoyed. Something about "always being the last to know everything."

When I came out to my friends, it was a lot quicker and less messy. I created a group chat with all my friends in, called it "congrats i'm gay 🌈", and sent one message – "hey dudes, I'm gay and expecting a coming out party. Start planning bitches."

I never got one.
[#jo answers  #coming out  #congrats I'm gay 🌈]

anonymous asked:
U and Cam r the cutest and I hope u get married and have beautiful little angel babies.

Thanks, it's lovely of you to say. But I, uh, don't think we're quite there yet
[#jo answers  #not thinking about marriage just yet  #maybe one day?]

anonymous asked:
I am going to ask what everybody wants to ask. What's the url to ur fan account?


I'm going to regret this aren't I?

Here it is

It's fairly new
[#jo answers  #can't believe I did that  #gonna have to make a new one]

[hey my beauties 😘. okay, so more joameron soon, don't worry. all I wanted was a little break to give a little of Joanna's story to y'all. hope you enjoyed!]

[ps thanks for 2k my lovelies 😍😍😍]

[also, question of the day: game of thrones – do you watch it? if you do, who's your favourite character?]

[my answer: yes, of course I do. my favourite character is probably (don't hate me) Jaime Lannister.]

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