The Case of the Singing Pink Potato.

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A Ghostly Gang Story

why is the pool glowing pink? Gurnin asked Rannith as the pair of them came in from a Reaper assignment, as they went around to the back door of the Ghostly Gang Manor, so they wouldnt wake anyone.

Beats me said Rannith following his twin maybe their gotten new lights or something and are trying them out he yawned I feel like curling up with a mug of hot chocolate.

It was Sydney Australia but it was early July the middle of Winter, in semi Reaper mode as they currently were they didnt feel the cold so much as they did in non Reaper mode, one of the setbacks of been the type of Ghost they were, (Cyra a higher form of Ghost, not quite ghost, not quite vampire but a odd mix of both) was that the cold cut right though them!

No it is something else said Gurnin granted they have bought new lights for the pool but its not those!

Rannith said guess we should go investigate then.

They opened the gate of the pool and walked in, the pool area was beautifully landscaped with a huge deck down one side, and went from indoors to outdoors it also had a spa, Stifral had spared no expense when he had gotten the house commissioned and built, it had about 35 bedrooms (most with ensuite) as the Gang numbered around 20 (at the moment) and they needed the room.

Gurnin had one of the four tower rooms, they walked towards the pool which was glowing an eerie pink and there was a miasma cloud above it of a similar colour.

What the? Gurnin said.

I was thinking the same thing said a voice as Krasar one of their fellow gang members came up, his green eyes glinting they all had eyes that hinted at their ghostly nature they had a slight glow (which was stronger at night and in darkened areas) and appeared to be all one colour, Krasars appeared to be all green with no visible whites I thought about diving in and checking it out but its a little strange!

Strange? As in how? Rannith asked.

Just strange said Krasar its consistency, its almost jellylike or something, so I am not going anywhere near it until we get the water analysed!

Hmm it has gone jellylike Gurnin remmarked.

Dont touch it Gurnin! warned Krasar as Gurnin bent over with his water bottle and filled it.

I wont said Gurnin although it does seem mainly harmless it is not acid or anything he put it in the pocket of his black robe.

Krasar had to admit he was still getting used to seeing the twins in Reaper mode (or semi as they were at the moment) with their black robes which seemed to absorb all light (and so did they) and black wings.

The look suited the darker soulled Rannith than it did the lighter soulled Gurnin, the brothers were classic examples of Brothers of dark and light.

Rannith the right side twin had always been the darker twin, a creature of darkness and shadow, whereas Gurnin the left side twin was shy, gentle and kind, he was a creature of goodness and light, and he seemed ill suited to Reaping duties.

But Reapers and minor Death Gods they were and even with their now it seemed permanently black wings, they still seemed more like angels than anything else, they looked like mirror twin, red headed Gorta-Trellian boys of about 18 years of age, having died at that age.

Its almost ghostly gloop said Krasar Shame Grisnas not here seeing hes at that Science Convention he went to in Melbourne.

I can analyse it said Gurnin Gris is not the only one whos Science savvy! I wanted to go to the convention with him! as he went into the house.

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