1. Spirit of Curiosity

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In the depths of the forest I rested my body on a tree branch after what I felt like hours of flight. The moist forest had massive leaves that covered the bright light in the sky. Sometimes I wonder why do my feathers manage to camouflauge with the branches of trees or even the ground below. Truth be told, I prefer the air.

In these forests you will never know what to encounter. I have heard whispers of odd creatures known as humans, telling their kind about the predators that live within these forests. I never knew such information until I heard this from them. Many things have crossed my mind, where am I? Is there more to this forest than just predators, and on that note, who else is here? These last few days have been questionable for me, as I have yet to encounter my kind.

Satanic Nightjar.

I never knew what a Satanic Nightjar was. In fact, I never knew what I was. I only knew that I had wings and that I am a bird. I knew what I was when a few days ago, I had met a Maleo who was very surprised to see me in turn. He was amazed by my very small figure, and has said that I could fit in the palm of a human's hand. It was him that identified me as a Satanic Nightjar, a unique type of bird around the forests of this island known as Sulawesi. I never knew what I looked like until I once saw my reflection in the river stream. I have small dark brown eyes, which are the same color for my legs and feet. I noticed that I have black plumes covering my body and my wings, though they seemed like spots. In addition, I have a white band around my throat, and my bill is black. I have an odd appearance, but then again, this forest is an odd place for me, and yet I wonder what secrets does this place hide, my mind fills with wonder.

But if there is one thing I've always wondered. If I am here, where are the other Satanic Nightjars? Surely if there is a Maleo and other Maleos, it has to be the same case with my kind. A Satanic Nightjar with other Satanic Nightjars, right? For days I've search tree after tree, and ground, for them. During those days I found no clue to their whereabouts. I never think with a negative mind, it is not possible that I am the last of my kind. I continue to rest on the tree branch I landed on, just before a voice called out.

"Hoi, Nightjar.", said a strange animal I saw on the ground. It had a grey like body of along with strange tusks coming out from its snout.

"Who are you?"

"Have you had your head in the clouds for so long?", the animal huffed. "I am a Babirusa in case you don't know."

"Babirusa! Do you know where my kind has gone to?", I asked as I flew down to the ground, my eyes making contact with his. I tried to hold my utter shock seeing how enormous he is compared to me.

"How should I know Nightjar? I am not you.", the Babirusa huffed at me. "I am always with other Babirusas, not Satanic Nightjars. Why don't you fly to them?"

"But I don't know where they are! Or even they are still here in these forests." I plead to him as he looks down at me. "I don't want to believe I am the last of my kind."

"Maybe you are the last of your kind.", said the Babirusa whose words made me frown and glare at him.

"But we don't know that.", said another voice from above, yet I cannot spot who or what said that. As my head turns around the area surrounding me, I can hear the Babirusa speak.

"Ah, Lynx Spider", the Babirusa said as he and I turned to see a small creature hanging from a tree, with what appears to be web behind him. He must be what the Babirusa refers to as a Lynx Spider. I can see the spider has a red orange like body along with 8 gray legs. I do not know why, but I have the odd feeling from the Lynx Spider.

"I won't bite you Nightjar, and you certainly Babirusa", Lynx Spider said to the both of us. "I just thought I dropped by on the conversation you two had. Perhaps I can help."

"Oh can you?" asked the Babirusa as I kept silent and letted the Lynx Spider to continue speaking.

"Of course. Perhaps the Satanic Nightjar can seek answers from the Creator."

"The Creator?", I asked as that name entered my mind. Who or what is the Creator? What is it about it that help me find my kind. "What do you mean?"

"Who would better have the answers about your kind than the one who created your kind, Nightjar? The Creator is the grand one who created all of us. You, the Babirusa, and even me."

"Where do I find the Creator?", I asked with all hope coming inside of me. Perhaps, if I go to the Creator, I can find out what happened to my kind.

"Do you see that very tall mountain just north ahead?", The Lynx Spider pointed one of his legs to a large yet tall mountain very far away from our current location. Clouds seemed to cover it but I can see the long and tall outline of the mountain. I also noticed the mountain seemed so high it penetrated the clouds in the sky. By my beak! That is very far, but if I have to travel all that way just to seek answers about my kind.

So be it.

"I don't know if you should do this Satanic Nightjar." the Babirusa said as he caught my attention. He had a doubtful expression in his eyes. "I know you want to get answers, but trust me, it's probably not worth it to fly all over there. You'll never know what the world will throw at you."

I look back at the Babirusa. My eyes glaring at him with disbelief. I huffed. "I do not know who is The World you speak of, but if you're trying to convince me that they will get in my way, I am determined to overcome any obstacle they'll throw at me". I would then walk past the Babirusa, and eventually use my wings to take me off the ground and head for the Mountain in the North.

I will get my answers....one way or another.

Seeker: The Story of a Satanic NightjarWhere stories live. Discover now