5. Strength

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I awaken at the sound of birds chirping and a light that seemed to appear as I slowly yawned and opened my eyes. Unfortunately I was not fully awake which caused me to fall off the tree branch and hit the ground head first. I felt the pain, but I'm just glad I did not break a bone. To my surprise, I see the Sun already in the sky.

Oh no, I thought, Not again. No way I'm going to let the sun try and blind me once more. I remembered my last encounter with it, the sun had felt much more hotter. Right now I can still feel the breeze of the wind. I soon realize the longer I stall my journey to the mountain, the chance of The Sun rising and increasing it's heat will be bigger. To avoid this, I had an idea in mind.


I used the energy I have from my awakening to thrust my wings and open them wide, letting the wind become my source of energy to push me in a fast pace. I can see my destination. The mountain in the north seems to be much closer and closer as I kept on flying. I knew I had to continue, because at that mountain is where The Creator is located. My spirits and energy start to rise as I am about to arrive at my destination. I also notice the clouds hovering above the mountain with the sky being blue, more lighter than the previous day. Eventually, I made it. I made it to the mountain, I just need to land and seek the Creator.

However, I soon came to a halt as a strange scene began to unfold. The clouds in the sky began to merge together some retaining their white color while some had a tint of gray to them. Was it The Storm preparing to ambush me? I soon realize that with no signs of water pouring down, or loud thunder, I realize it isn't The Storm. With a white light coming down from above the clouds and onto the mountain area, there's one possibility as to who, or what is in front of me.

"The World", I said to myself, taking a deep breath. My heart starts pounding as I felt an strange sense of almighty power from above. To be honest. It's very tense.. "So they have finally shown themselves to me. Ready to battle against me.". I've come all this way. I've faced those who served under The World: The Sun, The Storm and The Moon. After taking a deep breath and straightened myself out, I've gathered all the strength I needed for this particular moment.. It was time.

It was now time for me to face The World.   

Seeker: The Story of a Satanic NightjarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang