Update, in need of help

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Please, there is nobody else with my syndrome in my entire school district. Ehlers Danlos is very VERY complicated and something else has come up. POTS disorder or taccicardia, not going to bother trying to spell that. Has been becoming an issue, making my anxiety spike randomly with no real factor causing it and no techniques working on it in the slightest so hours stuck with suffocating anxiety and just praying for it to end, even when I am not moving at all it can make my heart rate go past what would be concerning if I was running (which I still can't do Yay) and it's completely random when it happens, I was checking my pulse when it went from 97 to about 140 in a matter of seconds when I was again, sitting down completely still. I'll try to keep my real friends on here updated but our subcategory or Ehlers Danlos in our family has not been confirmed yet. They did a heart murmur and said it looked fine but this syndrome can do very very bad things to my heart to where the school would want me to constantly be within reach of a defibrillator so let's hope that this isn't a sign of something. Praying that the tightness in my chest when this happens has been from congestion and not from something much much worse.

    Sincerely- A hopeful but very sick girl

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