what I do

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"Well well well. If it isn't miss piggy? I guess I took yo man. Oops I mean the man you wanted to be yours" Evelyn was runnin off at the mouth. Man she cray.

I am dating Evelyn. I been dating her since I went out of town. I just did it to get Charmed fat ass away from me. I was starting to feel shit for her, I backed off because I felt guilty. I don't know why, but I just feel like she ain't what I want no more.

I started messing with Evelyn, I know this may sound crazy, but I think I love her little evil ass. She smart, pretty, and she got that million dollar. Her head iight. I had better but she still all I want.

I know I should have just quit with Charmed and let her know what was up before, but I could never find the right time. I know Evelyn only started dating me because she wanted to get back at Charmed. I know she mad because her boyfriend wanted Charmed and she think Charmed had something to do with his death.

I guess I gotta carry breaking Charmed's heart around on my conscience. Oh well. More pussy in the world than just her.

I looked at Charmed. She was crying and I felt bad. Oh well. Still more pussy than just her.

"Look Charmed, I'm sorry. I just fell in love with her. I can't help it. Now, I need you to Calm down and go home. I don't want to be with you. I don't like you like that" I said.

"We weren't together. I did have a crush on you, but we could have stayed friends. I see you don't want to be friends with the fat girl because she got cellulite and only two friends. That's all the fuck I need cause at least I can trust them not to stab me in my fucking back! Bye bitch ass Rodrigo and ho ass Evelyn!"

She turned and walked away. Her ass jiggled while she walked. I admired the view. It's the last I'll see of it.

Charmed POV

I finished what I had to say to him and walked off. I can't believe he did that. For this bitch! This the second dude she's turned against me. She worse than Robert. I hope she gets jumped. I really do. Cause this some bull shit. Fuck em though. More fish in the sea.

I walked in Sonia's room. She was wide awake and she looked worried. She looked up at me and relief rushed to her face. She ran over and hugged me.

"Girl where the fuck you been? I was so worried about you!" She said as she released me from the tight bear hug she had me in. She looked at me and frowned. "What happened? Why you crying? Who ass I gotta beat?" she asked.

"Rodrigo dissed me for Evelyn just like Hercules did" I said as I sat down.

"Oh my...." she said. "That's bullshit! He lead you on for how the fuck long and he gon do this shit to you? Oh heeeell naaaawww!"

"Sonia calm down real quick damn girl don't bust a vain. I'm fine. I'll be fine. Just a little disappointed is all.

"That is still bad Charmed. I'm not about to let no nigga treat my beat friend like dirt!" she walked out, leaving me to sulk and wonder what she had up her sleeve.

Oh god. I lay down on the bed and burst into tears. I can't deal. I need a nap, some tissue, some ice cream, Sean.

Sonia POV

I had to find that nigga Rodrigo. I'm about to beat his ass and Evelyn ass. Them bitches bout to get it. Fuck you mean.

I knew he was a heart breaker, I just thought he would have more respect for Charmed because he knows her situation and he knows she a good person. He was also supposed to be her friend.

I walked down the sidewalk and saw Evelyn. She was on the phone. I punched the shit out that bitch. She stumbled back and fell. Rodrigo ran out to see what was going on. He saw me and his face went from worried to annoyed and scared.

"Man what the fuck Sonia. Charmed can fight her own battles. She doesn't want anything to do with this no more. You ain't have to do all that!"

"You fucking idiot! You knew she needed you! You knew what Evelyn did to her! She even did shit to you! I can't believe you sat here and played my damn best friend like a fiddle! You said you would be there for her but you let her down!"

"I don't care! Leave me alone!" that was it.

I saw red. I jumped on his back and started hitting him in the face. He screamed and tried to get me off but I'm like a monkey, once I wrap myself around you, I only get off on my own time. I was whooping his ass.

Evelyn got up and tried to start with me, but I kicked the shit out of her. That's what the fuck she get. I finally got off Rodrigo back and left. I went home. I walked in to see Charmed crying like a pussy. Oh god. I hope she okay.

I walked over and hugged her as she cried. She was shaking and sniffling and gasping for air. She was even sobbing. Like literally making sob noises.

I rocked her back and forth as she shivered and cried. I rubbed her back. I felt as if I had to protect her. As long as I'm here, I want her to be safe. I'm sad for her.

I will protect her as long as I can until she can do it on her own. I mean, after all, I am her friend. That's what I do.

hey everybody

yes. I did read over this and edit it. That's why it's near perfection.

Comment and vote.

I told you it would get better.

I'll update soon

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