Bouquet - Prologue

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Flowers were being displayed outside by a young woman, her brown hair tied up in a high pony-tail and a green apron wrapped around her waist, her white cardigan flowing in the gentle wind. Sounds could be heard coming within the shop, a pokemon's cry ringing out with a following of soft pit pats of their paws against the wooden floorboards.

"Eevee!" The young Pokemon cried, bursting through the glass door to greet her trainer who was still displaying the flowers. Each row being different colours of many different flowers, each their own kind. The young woman turned around, her Eevee nuzzling her leg with much earned love and trust between pokemon and trainer.
She giggled at her little furry friend and placed a small basket next to her just like every other Friday of the week, "you know what this means Hannah, make sure it gets to the three pokemon of the flower field!" Hannah nodded, checking in the basket and counting all of the colourful berries as they let off a delicious sent.

Once all counted, Hannah the little Eevee took off, sending a wave to her trainer before starting to skip. She made her way down the path, passing multiple trainers and other pokemon, getting greeted once again from familier and friendly faces from the people of Paxton Village.

"Hi Sky! Making another delivery for Mrs. Marble?" Hannah greeted the friendly delivery bird. "Oh hi Hannah! Yes I am, I'm a very busy Pidove after all-"

"Don't drop the mail in the pond again okay Sky!" The Eevee giggled when the Pidove started to sqwark, remembering the one time he messed up his delivery. Flying over the dreaded pond only to have a Pidgey fly onto him and causing the mail to fall out of his little delivery bag.

She'll never let the poor bird live it down.

"That was one time okay?! D-don't you have your own stuff to deliver?!" Her ears raised, quickly waving to the male, "oh yeah! I'll see you in a bit Sky!" Hannah dashed off, hearing one more thing from her friend.

"Remember to be careful! That Pokemon Hunter is still lurking around!" He shouted, only getting a "don't worry" from the flower shop Pokemon, causing the bird to sigh before flying off to start his deliveries.

Just something I edited for the book since its kinda obvious what Hannah is going to evolve into:

Just something I edited for the book since its kinda obvious what Hannah is going to evolve into:

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