Chapter 1 - A Flower At A Time

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"Sky you did it again?!"

"W-well! In my defence they bumped into me on purpose!" The Unfezant shouted. He flailed his wings about as the soking paper slopped onto the floor.

"Sky! You really need to watch were you're flying! You not only got our mail wet but you also ruined another flower row that my trainer put up for display!" Hannah shouted, her leaf like tail swaying in annoyance.
"Oh? Looks like the little Leafeon has become a fire type~" a smug purple cat came crawling out of the shop, her green eyes holding her smug look along with her grin.

Hannah glared at the feline, Sky chuckling nervously, knowing exactly what happens once you make the grass type mad.

And that Purrloin always knows how to press her buttons.

"Nedra be quiet, you never leave me alone do you?!" Hannah cried. The cat sat down and watched the two, still in a teasing mood and target right at someone, mainly Hannah since she's hard to anger these days.

Even since that day...Hannah had never been the same's just-

"Um...hello? Miss Nedra!" Sky waved one of his wings in front of her face, gathering her attention and handing her the soggy mail.
"Let me guess, it's mostly for my trainer correct?" The bird nodded, Nedra gripping the mail with her teeth and making her way back inside.
"Thanks Sky, that Purrloin loves to get under my skin sometimes..." Hannah said. Sky only nodded and gave her a "no problem" before saying his goodbyes and apologies again, promising to help redecorate after his deliveries.

"You better...and, don't forget that we still need to go back and visit." She wanted to go back, like she did everyday with her birdie friend after what happend years ago. It still lurks in her mind every minute of everyday day.

The Pokemon Hunter was caught not long ago when he tried to sell some Pokemon on the black market, the police were hot on his trail so it wasn't a matter of time until they caught him. Ever since hearing the news, Hannah had been able to become less tense and more like her usual self.

Yet it doesn't stop her everday life as it lingers.

"I won't, see you Hannah!" He soon took to the skies and flew off across the rooftops, leaving her alone as the wind brushed her fur along with the gossips of the villagers passing by.

Today is like every other day...

"Hannah! Come help me with this batch please!" Hearing the call of her trainer, Hannah brushed off her thoughts and ran back inside.

Nedra watched out of the store window as people and Pokemon walked by while they talked. Her tail moved side to side when she heard the footsteps of someone walking into the room.
"Nedra...did you steal one of my socks again?!" A lad with short, blond hair came strutting towards the girl, the feline seeing that her trainer only had one blue, woolly sock on his right foot. She meowed in approval as she tugged at the sock underneath her stomach, using it as some sort of chew toy of her very own.

"Nedra! Give that back this instant or...or..." he trailed off, his little Pokemon noticing his clouded mind only made her smirk with satisfaction, starting to fully rip into the sock.
"Give that back or no MooMoo Milk after dinner today!" Hearing his response caused her to pause, letting go of the sock and glancing over at her trainer. Nedra let her eyes start to tear up and meowed in disapproval.

You will never take that away from me! Not your precious little (and sneaky) cat!

He demanded for his sock to be returned and dropped her head in guilt, knowing full well that her trainer knows how to get to her. "Dang it! You managed to rip a hole in it this time! Keep a look out for customers, I'm going to ask mum to sow it up." Storming back upstairs, the dark type's feet gave way and she just layed there, hearing the all too familiar pit pats of Hannah's paws enter.

"I'm going out now to meet up with Sky, you sure you don't want to come with us this time?" The Leafeon questioned while setting a small bouquet of white lillies in her tiny bag dangling from her back.
"I'm fine thanks but I did pick this up today." Nedra jumped down from her spot with a flower in her mouth, a note dangling from it.

"It's for you. I found it outside our door about an hour ago and it had your name on it." Hannah took hold of the flower, closely inspecting it and the handwriting on the note.

Where...did this rose come from?

She questioned herself. Hannah would never though that somehow a random rose flew to their doorstep that coincidently had her name written on it.

"Whoever it was must be new to town, you haven't got a rose since...well you know." Nedra explained, licking her paw.

"Yeah...I guess they are but I might never find out huh." Hannah giggled.

"Who knows, anyway it's about time you get going or Mr. Birdbrain will get worried about you." The feline said.

"Oh yeah! See you later Nedra!" Quickly setting the rose in a small vase, Hannah rushed through the shop door and waved through the window before running of to the flower field.

Author Note

It's one in the morning and I'm tired!!!

Well, at least I got the chapter done for you guys but sorry it's shorter than the Prologue.

I'm just drained right now.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and expect a new chapter!


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