A beautiful day

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Reina's POV

Today is a beautiful day... one of those days when you feel like nature is trying to make you smile with its warming sunshine and clear sky. It's like those rays of light penetrate your skin, reaching the thing you protect so dearly from everyone. I can feel the heat of the blazing sun kiss my skin for a moment before an umbrella is placed right over the top of my head. An irritated sigh escapes my lips while my eyes glare explicitly at the girl standing right beside me. As usual she ignores my silent disapproval and keeps the umbrella still.

"I'm sorry Miss. Madam's orders." With her eyes staring at the ground, her thin lips form a fake apologetic smile. Madam's orders... these words are starting to irritate me just as much as the madam's presence. I guess I'll need to pay her a visit soon or later.

"Isn't this kind of excessive?" I ask pointing my head towards the umbrella.

"I'm afraid so. You have such delicate skin... " she says with a flattering expression "Standing in the sun for a long time, will cause for it to get sunburnt. "

Delicate...huh. Weirdly enough I never thought of my pale complexion as something to be proud of. Deciding to turn my attention to the book in my hands, I ignore her rather funny comment.

"What are you reading?" she asks feigning interest. I can feel ''that woman's" words transmitted through her. Oh man...there hasn't even passed a week since I fired the last one. This is starting to become a drag.

"Romance" I lie. She, however, seems pleased with my answer and decides to let me focus on my strategic military book. You never know when you might want to learn arts of war.

My name is Reina, which means "queen", a title which I have come to loathe since I became aware of the responsibilities that came with it. It would be more than fair to admit that I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth and obsequious servants pampered me to such a degree that I got everything I wanted in a matter of seconds. But that's all there is to it. There were never sincere smiles, true friendships or compassion towards that matter. As you might have realized my family is filthy rich, literally, because most of the money we make is related to mafia, arm trafficking, drugs and other illegal businesses. However, despite everyone else's beliefs I am not the little princess, or the omnipotent heir who the family protects and holds dear. It's more like the rare jade who should be locked up and used for business or maybe empowerment through marriage.

My mother was condemned and punished severely for giving birth to a girl, in a family where males dominate in every prospect. She was a very beautiful woman, but also extremely delicate, which caused her to die from fatigue after being locked up for only ten hours. Her tragic death was a hard blow to my father who seemed to love her dearly. Even though he is known as one of the most ruthless mobsters in mafia's history, killing his loved one was not something that could be easily forgotten. Not that I'm complaining. His obsession and longing for a dead person is what's keeping me alive. Sometimes he would watch me for hours without saying anything. Just watch, before sending me back to my room. Later I came to the realization that the reason behind that was because I inherited her beautiful amber eyes and brown-reddish hair color, together with most of her facial traits. The simple fact that I look like her is the sole reason why I'm still breathing today.

After my mother's death I spent most of the time locked in the spacious mansion, which not everyone can afford. Pretty maids conquering every corner, trying to gain small favors by petty compliments had become part of my daily routine. That's what made me grow up faster than any child has to. After countless lies, deceits and treasons I became more mature than the rest of the children my age. Experience taught me of self-preservation and how to manipulate people at an early age. A years passed by, I committed myself completely to cut all connections with the mafia world and create a new life, a normal one. At the age of four I killed a person, at the age of ten I hacked a school system and at the age of eighteen I will gain my freedom.

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