In laws

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Heyyy y'all !! I'm so sorry for the late update. Things have been pretty busy :'(  Anyway I'm back now so enjoy!!!

Thirty minutes had passed since the arrival of the De Luca family. Without wanting to become part of the cramped reception, Reina stayed behind even when her sister impatiently ran towards the door. As they entered a great number of people surrounded the in laws expressing their congrats, while girls tried to steal a peek at the handsome heirs. For a person who found crowded areas quite irksome, Reina was staying far away, in a place where she could barely see their faces. However, the horrendously large number of security guards was impossible to ignore. The right hand of Lorenzo De Luca was surprisingly a woman at her twenties, who kept vigilantly staring at anyone that might be suspicious. She was bulgy, with well-formed muscles and a fit body, looking astonishing in a red gown. With her hair kept in a tight bun and a face with very little makeup, the woman was attractive, to say the least.

"I think I'm in love." Greg muttered while staring adoringly at her.

"I don't." Reina's voice interrupted the trail of his thoughts which was going way too far. "You use that word way too often. Way too cheaply."

"Oh come on." he avoided her stare, unwilling to admit she was right. "I kind of like her. What if she goes out with me? What will you say then? " Greg asked daringly while exiting emotions made his face blush like a young maiden in love.

"My condolences." she answered frowning.

Suddenly Reina unintentionally made eye contact with someone. An elegant woman at her fifties, dressed formally and seemingly quite elegant started approaching them.

'What's with all these beautiful women?? Did we mistakenly go to a fashion runway?' Greg wondered.

Her posture showed sophistication and exemplified a refined temperament. With a slight smile, she exclaimed: "I wanted to thank you for your great generosity."

"Is she talking to you?" Greg widened his eyes in surprise towards those words he never expected to hear.

"She's certainly looking at me." Reina muttered while trying to remember the woman's identity.

"I'm Grace. Your sister's future mother in law."

"She's in the dressing room. Ten meters to the left. " was her quick response, surprising the person in front of her.

"Oh, no honey. I was actually coming here for you. To thank you in the name of our charity foundation for being extraordinarily generous with your latest donation." She said looking as slick as a white-collar.

"I'm extraordinarily screwed." Reina mumbled. This talk reminded her of the hungry African kids that would be burning her hundred thousand dollar incomes to get warm at night.


"I said I should go get some food." After dismissing Grace's questioning look she held on Greg's sleeves pushing him towards the buffet.

"Oh, it's ok I can get them for you." Greg enthused. "Unlike you, I do care about your reputation and I'm well aware of the fact that ignoring your future in laws is not a good start." He whispered smiling.

After her friend left searching for some chocolate desserts, Reina was left in the unwanted presence of Lorenzo De Luca's wife, which was unexpected, since she never left the mansion.

"Sooo... where will my money go?" for once Reina took the initiative to start a conversation. Greg would be proud.

"Well you see... our foundation's main goal is to provide food and education to illiterate children living in underdeveloped African regions. There was once a family who suffered from Ebola and a severe pancreas disease but with god's blessing, we managed to save their life in time. Now they live happily in Cameroon. You have no idea how adorable those kids were. I get postcards every Christmas..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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