Flare and Kai caught in the Act

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A/N: after being told by neo of hearing unknown moaning, Blaze walks in on both his sister and kai (--Hcneybuns) doing something unexpected.

Blaze was walking around looking for his sister, flare since he hasn't seen her around lately.

Blaze: man, flare hasn't been seen around the house for a while today. Naturally I would see her out drooling over some girl she met.

Neo: you're looking for your sister?

Blaze: yes, I haven't seen her all day and I know she hasn't left the house yet.

Neo: did you check her room?

Blaze: I checked her room earlier. But She wasn't there before I had to start looking around.

Neo: that's funny. Because I heard Her and kai making some kind of odd noises just a few minutes ago in her room.

Blaze: What?!

Blaze soon ran to Flare's room. Once there, he heard them saying certain things.

Flare: mmmmmm, those cupcakes looks delicious~

Blaze made a shocked expression.

Blaze made a shocked expression

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(Similar to Mordecai's).

Kai: why don't you give them a taste then~ 

 Blaze soon bursted down the door.

Blaze: Kai, you get your pink hands off my...........

He saw that they were actually eating cupcakes.

He saw that they were actually eating cupcakes

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Blaze: uh..............

Flare: blaze...... what do you want? -_-

Kai: we were kinda eating sweets here.

Blaze: uh..... sorry. I was just uh...... leaving.

He said before he backed away from the room and left.

Blaze: "sighs" damn it, neo.

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