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I didn't want to be her friend at first. I was scared of meeting new people and here was this new girl just asking me about my school as if we'd known each other for years. She commented on almost all of my stuff trying to be my friend. I wasn't too good to her in the beginning but I knew I was going to have to change that eventually. We had English together. Freshman English was not a fun class at all. The teacher was so uptight and strict that it was no longer fun to learn.

Yet she made it fun. After almost every pause the teacher took, I would look over to this new girl and she would make a joke related to the topic of what we were learning. It was great. She eventually broke my shell and we became incredibly good friends. We made fun of each other and ourselves and it would keep us entertained for hours. She made fun of me for finding the actress who played Juliet attractive when we studied it. Our entire relationship was based off of mutual friends and humor that would come off as insults.

Sophomore year English was another class I had with her. Honors US history as well. Those two classes were my favorites during sophomore year. She was the reason I could never focus and I would always make everything into a joke with her. I had algebra with her that year too but it was the most boring class you could be in. She left that class halfway through the year. I found out that she had these three freckles on her leg. I would connect them and turn them into a right triangle and joke that the Pythagorean theorem was on her leg.

That was one of the many ongoing jokes that we had. Nobody understood us. Not many people understood that a relationship like this could be purely jokes and mischief. But it was. We've had a few serious moments where we've cried to each other but most of it is quite innocent and laid back. She's a beautiful person. She's done my makeup and made me look beautiful once. I won't ever let her do it again though. It's too much sitting still and she knows I don't like doing that. Her love for music and talent just helped our friendship grow.

She is the type of friend you need if you are having a bad day. She is the type of person that you want around you at all times. She is the type of person who could make you feel better about yourself by making fun of you. That sounds contradicting but it really isn't. She'll crack jokes about my height or my race and I wouldn't feel so insecure about it anymore. She's an amazing friend who everyone deserves in their lives. Whether she believes it or not, she is the kind of friend who I will always need and love.

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