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Prologue: Not so happy birthday

(A/N: pretend that the boy is Alex not Howard because I can't find a child that looks like kaneki)

In 1950's in Brooklyn it was Cherry's 8th birthday her cousin Alex were playing with each other

Alex lives with Cherry and Peggy since his mom died with TB the two were having fun but what they didn't know is that today will be the worst they had

" Mama!!! Mama!!! Look what Alex got me for my birthday!!! " a little girl ran to her mother with a huge stuffed bunny

" Oh how wonderful dear did you thank your big cousin ?" Peggy asked softly to her

" I did mama!!!" A little Cherry said with a toothy grin and a eye smile

" Hey Cherry !!! Let's play come on" Alex called to her on the backyard

" Coming !!!" Cherry said cheerfully and skipped happily

As she ran out of the house to play with her cousin all Peggy could think of was how Steve would love be to see her now all grown and happy

" Thinking about him again ?" Howard asked Peggy who was looking at her with three gifts in his hands

" I was just thinking if Steve could see his daughter so happy right now... he would have love her" Peggy said softly

" I know he would he would be happy to be a father.." Howard said and put the present in the table

" Mommy!!! Come play with me ?" Cherry ran to her mother and tugged her lightly

" Of course dearie I'll be with in a minute but look who's behind you" Peggy said and pointed to Howard smiling

Cherry looked behind her and saw Howard with a big smile

" Uncle Howie!!!!" Cherry squeals and hugged her uncle

" Happy Birthday munchkin" Howard said and gave her a present

" Wow!!!! Can I open it ? Can I ? Can I ?" Cherry said jumping up and down

" Of course sweetheart" Peggy said


After the party Cherry and Alex were playing with each other Peggy and Howard were left to help cleaning

" Hey Alex lets play hide and seek !" Cherry suggested

" Alright I'll count you hide..." Alex said happily

Alex closed his eyes and started counting while Alex was counting he heard Cherry scream

" KYYYAAAA!!!HEEEELLLLPPPP!!!!" Cherry scream

" CHERRY!!!!!" Alex said and ran to her

Her scream made Peggy and Howard run to the garden

" CHERRY!!!" Peggy yelled as she saw cherry with a man wearing a HYDRA pin on his shoulder also taking Alex in his hands running away with them

Peggy took her gun that was lying on the table and ran to them along with Howard

" HEY!!! Come back here!!!" Howard yelled and ran as fast as he could

But they were to late to catch up to them

Peggy kneels down and cried for her daughter all could Howard think that he failed his best friend in protecting his niece or how he could have prevent that from happening....

All he could do is that pray for them to be alright and safe if only he knew what will happen to them...

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