Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Tesseract

A/N: Cherry is 2nd commander and Alex is 3rd commander their the assistants of Fury

" The tesseract has awakened.....
It is on a little world,
A human world.

They would wield its power,
But our ally knows it's working,
As they never will....

He is read to lead,
And our force,
Our chitauri,

Will follow,
A world will be be his,
The universe, yours...

And the humans
What can they do but burn".

Third person's pov (place: NASA and shield office)

Two helicopters flew to shield where the Tesseract was being active and out of control Alex,Emily, and Cherry were on the first helicopter and Director Fury and Agent Hill on the other helicopter went to see what happen

" All, personnel the evacuation order has been confirmed" an agent on the PA system said still giving instruction when the helicopters landed

Where people from NASA and shield were preparing and running for the evacuation

When they landed Agent Phil was waiting for them Agent hill went down then Fury went down the helicopter and then the second helicopter landed Alex and Emily went out and lastly was Cherry who got out of the helicopter

" How bad is it ?" Fury asked Phil

" That's the problem sir, we don't know" Phil said to him

They all went to the elevator down to the basement where the Tesseract and Doctor Selvig was and some NASA people running to the evacuation as they walk to Selvig

" Doctor Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago" Phil said as the five of them walked

" NASA didn't authorize Selvig to go to the test phase ?" Fury asked

" He wasn't testing it sir, he wasn't even on the room... spontaneous event" Phil said

" So it just turned it self on ?" Alex asked in confusion

" Yes it did Alex" Phil said while looking at him

" How is that possible ? No one could turn on or activate it when Mr.Stark found it"  Hill said with a hint of confusion

" It's true.... how can that happen" Fury said

" Why now ? What cause to make it activate again it hasn't been active for over 70 years since Howard Stark found it while searching for my father" Cherry said in sorrow that made Emily hug her

" I don't know Cherry I guess something just triggered it " Emily said

" Where are the energy levels now" Fury asked

" Climbing sir, when Selvig couldn't shut it down we ordered an evac" Phil said

" How long to get everyone out ?" Alex asked

" Campus should be clear in the next half-hour Alex" Phil said

" Do better" Fury said

" Yes sir" Phil said and went back up to help the evacuation

Fury, Cherry, Alex, Emily and Hill went down to Selvig

" Sir, evacuation may be futile" Hill told Fury

" What should we tell them ? To go back to sleep ?" Fury asked annoyed

" If we can't control the Tesseract's energy, there may not be a safe distance," Hill said

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